Chapter 1

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"Hell-lo" normal talking
"Hell-lo" whisper/thinking
"Hell-lo" demon transformation

Also in the normal demon form he has he's trademark Radio Voice
Third p.o.v.

Night Time in Kuoh Town. A quiet town for normal human, but a lively little town for the Supernatural. In the quiet of the Night, clicking footsteps could be heard, as well as the clicking of a cane on the ground, as a individual, with a bright red Dress shirt and a toothing grin was walking into, what looked like an abandoned Warehouse. To the older Generation of the Factions, he's a horrible monster with no remorse. To the newer Generation, he's but a legend.

Y/n L/N, aka, The Radio Demon

Y/n: "You know, sometimes I'm impressed by the poor choices of you Female Stray Devil's for a place to lure your victims to

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Y/n: "You know, sometimes I'm impressed by the poor choices of you Female Stray Devil's for a place to lure your victims to. Such Whorable taste. Hahaha!"

In the darkness of the wearhouse, a pair of eyes emerged, these eyes belonged to a Stray devil with a spider like body. She looked at the male in front of her, and only grinned

Stray: mmm, well it seems it still pulled you in~ come here, let's have some fun before I eat you alive~"

The Ex Radio Host continued to smile as he looked at the stray in front of him.

Y/n: "I'm sorry deary, but I think today won't be my funeral, but yours."

Apparently the Stray had a short fuse, and shot a string of webbing at y/n, who  used his shadow manipulating abilities, to simply shrink into his shadow, so only his head was sticking out.
The web that landed behind him on the door, appears to be acidic, seeing as it was eating its way through the thick metal Door.

Y/n: "Oh such toxic behavior, has your mother never told you not to spend so much time on the Web? Hahaha! Ohh I'm on a roll tonight!"

Suddenly he was gone, confusing the Stray. However, the confusion didn't last long, when suddenly a large orange portal opened beneath the rather large Stray, as multiple tendrils wrapped around the strays spider like legs and her normal torso and arms, slowly squeezing tighter and tighter while out of nowhere, laughter was hear in the ceiling above. The bound stray looked up, only to see y/n sitting on one of the roofs support beams, pointing a double barrel shotgun at her.

Y/n: "I though Devil's learned not to mess with the Radio Demon. Then again, they thought I was dead!"

Stray: "The Radio Demon?! Impossible! H-he was supposed bto have died during the great war! He's just a legend!"

Y/n: "What can I say. Heros get remember, but Legends? They never die."

The body of the stray was now getting completely crushed by more and more tendrils when The Radio Demon decided it was time to end the fun. He pulled the Trigger on his gun, and turned the strays head into Swiss cheese. The body was soon after swallowed whole by the Portal beneath it, and Y/n jumped down from the beam, dusting himself off in the process. However, he didn't feel as satisfied as he usually does killing strays. One could say it gets stale over the years. It's not propper entertainment anymore so to speak. He soon looked at his watch as he was leaving the warehouse and looked surprised at how late it was.

Y/n: "I guess it's time to head home for now, don't want to be late on the first day as a teacher. Maybe things will be more entertaining when word gets out that the Radio Demon is back. Hahaha"

Turning back into his human form, he made his way back home, like nothing ever happened. Finishing his night routine of showering after killing, brushing the smile and laying out fresh clothes, the Ex Radio host was ready for his first day as a Teacher in Kuoh Academy. He knew Kuoh was devil territory, but not under who's control now.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n shining teeth.

The next Day, Y/n, once again in his human form, but still wearing his characteristics Grin, just entered Kuoh academy. He immediately noticed the Devil energy oozing out of it.

Y/n: "They don't even bother to hide their presents."

On his way to the school director, students whispered about who the smiling guy was. Some think he's a student, others think he's a substitute. And others think he's...cute? Anyways.

The Schools director knew Y/n was coming since the previous Teacher... mysteriously disappeared, and handed him his schedule.
Class 3-B.
As soon as he entered the class, he noticed Two different Devil energy's. One from a blond haired Girl who smiled at the new teacher, much to his delight. And one brown haired bow who was frowning since he hoped for a "Sexy teacher babe" which canceled out the delight from the blinds smile.

Y/n: "Good morning Class, I'll be your new homeroom Teacher Mr. L/n. I knew getting a new teacher can be quite... Unceasing after getting used to one for a year or two, but anyways, if you have questions, ask them now, and tell me your name in the process.

The blond girl raises her hand.

Asia: "Mr L/n I'm Asia Argento. And I wanted to ask, what did you do before becoming a teacher?"

Y/n: "Oh that's simple my Dear, I was A Radio Host where I came from."

The brown haired Boy raised his hand.

Issei: "I'm Issei Hyoudo and what's with that weird grin of yours?"

Y/n: "Well my boy, I could ask the same thing about your constant frown."

The bald guy interrupted him.

Baldy: "Cause your not a hot teacher, that's why we all frown!"

Boys: "Yeah!"

Y/n inhaled, letting out some of his energy to make the Air feel heavy. Issei and Asia however noticed it was magical energy.

Y/n: " Listen here Boys, if you're upset I'm not a female teacher and continue to plague me with it, I'll be handing out detentions left and right. Am. I. Clear?"

Boys: "Yes Sir!"

Y/n: "Gooood, now onto the Lesson-"

Timeskip again

At the End of the lesson, the class quickly dispatched except for two individuals.

Y/n: "Miss Argento, may I speak to you for a second?"

Asia: " Of course Mr. L/n. I'll be right there Issei, go to the ORC without me!"

Issei: "If you say so, be careful. I gotta report to president anyway. Something is off about this guy..."

Asia: "Kay!"

Issei soon left, leaving only the Nun turned Devil, and the radio Demon behind.

Y/n: " Dear would you be so kind to point m towards the Student council? I'd like to know who they are."

Asia: "Of course Mr L/n, just follow me."

During their walk Y/n decide to ask a question.

Y/n: "Asia Dear, what is the ORC and who's leading it. If I may ask."

Asia: "Oh it's the Ocult research club. Rias Gremory is the President of it."

Y/n: "Gremory huh...maybe this WILL more be entertaining than I thought."

Asia: "We are here Mr. L/n. I'll be on my way now!"

Y/n: "Hahaha, of course Dear. Don't want you being late for your club activitys."

She quickly made here way out towards the old school building while Y/n observed. Then, he knocked on the Door.

???: "Come in."



Alright, and this is how it'd begin. Let's see what kind of Entertainment the Radio Demon is looking for.
Hope you enjoy this story. IDK when I'll write the next part just yet, but I wanted to get this start out . Now...

Stay Tuned....

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