"Yeah?" I asked, swallowing again while stepping backwards, hitting my head softly on the door.

"Yeah." Dick stepped closer. I begged either Alfred or Bruce to intrude, this was weird.

"Rose," Dick whispered, placing a hand on my cheek, "I'll see you on Monday."

I blinked rapidly while Dick stepped back, smirking down at me. I frowned softly and nodded while walking away. What's gotten into him? I made it to the front door, already seeing it open and I frowned again, mounting on my bike and Dick softly in my head.

As I was about to start the engine, I saw Dick running outside with jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. He waved his hand in the air with his face scrunched up annoyingly

"Rose! Rose wait!"

I ignored him and started driving away. I went early a meter before Dick jumped in front of my motorbike. I stopped with a sudden jolt and widened my eyes, jumping off the bike and glaring at Dick, checking for any injures for both him and my bike.

"Are you insane? You could have been hurt!"

"Rose, I'm sorry," Dick grabbed my face, "Rose, stop. I'm fine."

I stared at him for a while before nodding and backing away. As I was about to get on the motorbike again, Dick grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

"Please stay." He begged. I blinked slowly and fought a smile from itching onto my face.


"Because," he paused, "because I missed you."

The smile broke through my barrier and shined up to him. I nodded slowly which made him shoot me a grin and give me a hug before leading me towards Wayne Manor once again.

"You're impossible." I managed to say as I was held extra tightly around the waist.

"But you adore me anyway." He grinned.

That I certainly do.

Bruce found us watching a movie a few hours later, asking if I wished to sleep in a guest room so I wouldn't have to be alone for another night. Much to my surprise, I didn't waste two heartbeats before agreeing.

However, Dick refused for me to be alone at all and put me in a room with two single beds, stating that he was going to sleep there if I liked it or not.

I could barely close my eyes whilst Dick slept like a baby and as I watched him sleep from the bed opposite him, I thought about what it would be like if I didn't want to follow through my decision.

I slowly placed my feet on the floor and carefully begin to walk out of the bedroom, slipping on the same black hoodie as the other night, I slipped out of the bathroom window and climbed onto the Manor's roof.

As I looked out to the city, I see a dimly-lit alleyway a few blocks down with two men and a little girl. I narrowed my eyes as I see the scene unfold, when one of the men lift his hand was when I started running and jumping from roof to roof, thanking the heavens I remembered some tricks from my gymnastic days.

Stopping right above the scene, I looked down to see the young girl, maybe around seven, pressed to the wall with tears running down her face.

"P-please, I'm s-sorry. I l-lost the money. It w-was stolen." She was visibly shaking but it didn't stop the fat man from roughly grabbing her by the hair while the muscular one leaned in close.

"Do I look like I care, little girl?" He said harshly, "do you want to happen to you what happened to your dear daddy?"

He laughed as she cried which made me sick to the stomach, how dare he. I silently made my way to where I had a clean land on him. Pushing out from the shadows, I landed on the muscular man's back where I held on to his neck and pushed him forward. The man tumbled but not before I jumped off and gave the fat man a hard kick to his stomach, knocking him down instantly.

"It's not nice to taught young girls, boys," I said, smirking, "especially one with a guardian angel."

Muscles  tried to grab me but I jumped out of the way with a simple slide and jabbed him in the ribs while he was still recovering. Doubling over from the pressure point, I slipped out a sharp knife from my hoodie pocket and held it to his throat while I had a grip on this hair.

"Now, I suggest you apologize to the lady." I whisper into his ear. He shook his head and spit onto my shoes. I tisked at him and looked sadly at my boots.

"You know dear, those were brand new," I pressed the knife tightly to his throat, making a gash, "apologize."

With my harsh words, the man apologize to now smiling girl. I cut Muscles' arm deeply, making him scream.

"Sweetie, go on and tell your friends about me. There's a new hero in town and this one ain't afraid to play dirty."

I laughed as he scurried away. Turning to the fat man, I noticed that he was already long gone, coward.

I was cut off my thoughts as the girl ran up to hug me. She pulled away and wiped her tears, handing me something.

"Thank you, miss, Gotham needs more people like you." She said in a quiet voice, I looked down to see that she gave me a mask. It looked like it was from a doll or something, but the gesture touched me more than I thought it would have.

And as I looked into the little girl's eyes, I saw how broken she was and I wondered what had this city done to this little seven year old girl to make her so alone, so lost. I thought of how many other people was like this in Gotham and felt my heart ache for them. The suffering these people have gone through was't something they had chosen, it was something forced upon them in which only a few people than help.

So that's when I decided to put on the mask

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