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Killer fiddled around on the couch, having nothing on his mind to do. It has been a week since the incident with Error.

It was a peaceful afternoon. Everyone was currently in the living room. All in their respective seats.

And, he's taking it more lighter than Killer would be expecting. He'd think Error would be all pissed at him, Instead he just got a 30 second lecture before going back to Nightmare's room.

''Well? Im guessing everything is cool. You guys wanna go watch a movie later night?'' Nightmare spoke up which broke Killer from his thoughts.

Dust nodded sighing ''Yeah I guess so. Oh well. Best not to dwell in the past.'' He laughed shortly after. Horror chuckled ''It's alright, I didnt take it personally.''

Nightmare nodded with Error on his lap ''Good. But then again i wanna watch a movie with you guys later. Wanna?''

Dust, Horror, Error and Cross all raised their hands. Except Killer, which made them all look at him questionably ''Killer? Is something wrong?'' Horror asked him, breaking Killer from his thoughts again ''Oh uh, no nothings wrong. But i'll take a rain check from the movie.'' He stood up and went up the stairs, to his room.

Nightmare perked an eyebrow before shrugging ''Well he's out. Guess we gotta talk about which movie to watch.''

. . .

Later night

. . .

Error yawned walking into the kitchen, the movie was done and everyone was about to go to sleep.

He took a glass of water and drank it turning around before nearly screaming, Killer stood there by the doorway with a wide awake expression. 

Error sighed relaxed while putting the glass on the counter ''Killer? Is there something w-wrong?'' He asked him, Killer nodded ''I have a question.'' He said before looking away. 

Error frowned ''Is this because of what happend again last week? I told you im alright with it--'' 

''What d-did it feel like to be fucked?'' Killer blushed and Error had a poker face ''wat.'' 

''You heard me...'' Killer mumbled looking down. Error snorted and Killer pouted ''I know its a weird question, but please tell me!'' He exclaimed which made Error laugh even more before calming down.

He had a light blush on his face while he smiling ''Which part? The part where I get ravaged whenever I want to or the starter thing?''

''Just tell me what it felt...!'' Killer said.

Error chuckled ''Well... at first you'd feel pain... but the more longer it lasts the pain would leave and the pleasure you'd feel... And then pure bliss would take over you-- Oh god--'' Error cut himself off and laughed embarrassed ''Whoops, too much. Why ask me about this though? There are other omegas who have mates already. Maybe Blue, Dream or maybe Lust...?''  

Killer blinked to hear Lust's name. 

''Oh uh. Okay, thanks for answering my question. I'll try that. Thanks again!'' Killer ran out of the room and up the stairs once again, Error looked at him while he went up before snorting ''He has something planned. I can feel it.'' 

Going back to his buisness, he goes through the fridge to find food before going back to Nightmare's room. Where apperantly he has moved into.


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