That, is the power of the mind.  

And that would be my demise. 


I yawned quietly, covering my mouth with my right hand and swiping the hair out of my eyes with the other. I pitter-patted down the wooden stairs, careful not to make any sudden noises, so as not to wake up Saleh. 

I strolled into the kitchen lazily and pulled the blinds that were hanging just above the sink apart, allowing for some well-needed sun to stream in. I proceeded to open the window, a soft yet effective breeze flowing in almost instantaneously. There was nothing more that I loved, than a cool fresh Summer’s breeze in the morning to really wake you up.  

The morning was the only time during the day I enjoyed. I always awoke at least an hour before everyone else, and that hour was more precious to me than most things in my life. It was my time of solitude and relaxation, a short period where I allowed myself to feel at peace. It was the one moment where I felt like the world stopped revolving and all that was left, was eternal light, blue skies and birds.  

And then, I always reminded myself, that life continues and the world begins to revolve again, no matter how much you wish it wouldn’t. 

I carried my steaming cup of coffee with me into our backyard and reclined against the hanging cocoon chair, like I always did. As if on cue, Stormy mewed his way towards me and jumped up onto my lap, twirling around several times, before relaxing against my stomach. I smiled and began to pet his soft grey fur and within seconds, he was purring contentedly.  On some days, I preferred his companionship over everyone else. He was a great friend.

I took a sip and revelled in the bitter-sweet taste flowing through my mouth. Life was just that, I thought. Bitter-sweet.  

I gazed at the crystal blue water of our pool, my eyes travelling upwards to the sprouting palm trees that provided a good amount of shade. Rock and pebbles lined their way in a stylish fashion around the outskirt of the pool, and the bird bath my dad had step up was bustling with native birds, thirsting for water in the oncoming heat. Our house was a nice, moderate two-story brick building and we lived in a relatively nice suburb. Our neighbours, at least, were good to us.  

My family…we’ve come along way. From staying in shelter to shelter, to owning our own block of land…it was an accomplishment I knew my parents were especially proud of.  

I successfully finished off my cup of coffee and relaxed in the chair for another forty minutes, allowing the sun to shine and give life to my skin. I apologised to Stormy as I readied myself to get up. He stretched his long legs and then mewed angrily in response, annoyed at my sudden departure. I gave him one last squish on his bud nose, before leaving him to recline on the chair and walked back inside to the kitchen.  

Since mum and dad work so diligently during the week, I had decided that on the weekends, I would cook breakfast and clean, or run any errands that need to be done. It was the least I could do and I didn’t mind the distraction.  

For breakfast, I began by doing the basics, spreading some yoghurt onto a plate and drenching it in oil. I put some olives out along with other cheeses, jams and spreads as well as cutting up some strawberries and bananas for the pancakes. Just as I took out some eggs and began to heat the butter in the frypan, I heard noises upstairs, a sign my family was now awaking.  

I simultaneously cooked the eggs and pancakes alongside each other and within minutes both were ready. I settled that all out on the table, making sure to put out the Lebanese bread. Lebanese bread was vital to our household. Without it, we might as well not eat. 

Vein of Life.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें