the split

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from ifinkufreaky on archive of our own

There's one thing you can appreciate about working with the Mandalorian: he sure knows how to be terrifying to his quarry. It's not about bluster with him, or wild threats that can make a hunter seem unhinged; it's in his sheer presence. He's caught up to the quarry you've been tracking together, and now he looms over his prey like he's inevitable.

'Course, you'd never let him know he even made you shiver. "Enough with the dramatics," you say to him, coming up behind the cowering bounty and yanking her arms together behind her back. "I'm the one that got her blaster out of her hand, and that's the hardest part. Once they're disarmed it's all over. That ups my cut to 70%."

A frustrated little hiss emanates from your business partner. He points that looming mask more squarely at you. "Fifty-five was what we agreed," he says, words clipped. "And that was only because you had the specific location—"

"Without which your schedule wouldn't have been worth shit," you finish for him, pressing the binder around your quarry's wrists. At least, the metal cuff clicks shut around one of them...

Suddenly the woman is whirling around, slamming the solid metal of the binder, hanging off just one wrist, right into your stomach.

You try to grab her but the momentum is not in your favor, especially with the wind knocked squarely out of your gut. You brace your hands on your knees, willing yourself not to fall completely down as you fight the pain, not in front of Mando, and manage to suck in a decent breath as you look up with involuntary tears forming in the corners of your eyes.

Just in time to see the Mandalorian grab the woman by the throat, stopping her escape in its tracks. He shoves her to her knees, bristling with frank irritation, and presses the muzzle of his blaster to the side of her skull. "Stay down."

You stagger one step in their direction. Your gut hurts just about as much as your pride.

You can't see a smirk on that cold metal face, but you know there has to be one as he looks over at you. "What were you saying about the hard part of the job being over? I'll take that seventy."

"This gets you maybe an extra five," you wheeze, stomping to the quarry kneeling at his feet and jamming her other hand into the binder where it belongs. "And you're forgetting that I was the one that noticed her sneaking out that hatch in the back."

Another one of his annoying silences follows, the one where he stands so still and makes you wait, just guessing what thoughts might be bouncing around inside the helmet. "And she's going back in my ship. My fuel, my carbonite. I'll take sixty."

You huff.

"You're the one that started this. I would have been fine with the original agreement."

You roll your eyes. "We'll talk about it after she's loaded in."

"Up," the Mandalorian barks at the quarry, digging those orange-tipped fingers into the cloth covering her shoulder and hauling her to her feet.

The woman complies, looking defeated, and you all start walking across the plateau toward where the Razor Crest has been hidden. Mando's been in the game too long to pay docking fees at an official spaceport on a planet so chaotic that you can get away without.

Soon enough, the quarry says what everyone with a price on their head says, once the binders are tight around their wrists. "You know, you two really don't have to worry about your split. Just let me get back to my guys, I can pay you each as much as that whole price on my head."

You snort. "If that were true, we wouldn't have found you working in such a shit-hole. No way the syndicate values you that much."

"I seem to recall a story about you taking up a quarry on an offer like that once," Mando's modulator emits at you. He slows his pace so he can see your face as the three of you trudge across the uneven ground. "Didn't it end with another Guild member finding you stripped and tied up in a cellar? That would have been a sight to see."

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