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~Pink's pro~
Today was like any other day but I feel kinda wired about something but I don't know what it is. "Ehh maybe I have a cold or something. Whatever I'm going to get some food." I walk downstairs and see Rusty. He's on his phone and Alex playing with Phill. I go the the kitchen without saying a word to them. "Hi Pink" Rusty says "oh hi I didn't see you guys there. What's up?" I said why does my face feel hot right now maybe I do have a cold of something. Whatever it is I feel weird and I don't know why but I do.
-Rusty's pro
Huh why didn't Pink say hi to us and her face is kinda getting pinkish. Wait why is my face feeling hot? What?? "Nothing what are you doing?" I ask "I'm getting something to eat I think I'm not feeling well but I don't know." I just look at her and say "Oh ok...... so you got any plans for today or something?" "Not that I know of why?" I was just about to answer but something felt weird with the void. "Oh god somethings wrong!" I scream Alex finally looks up "what's wrong?!" He asked very loudly I just ran into the void and got my sword out to fight. Pink and Alex follow behind me "Pink, Alex stay behind me ok.!" I say they both nod at me then I felt a hand on my arm it was Pink (Pink and Rusty shippers are probably going crazy or something because i am.)I felt her shake I look at her to make sure she is ok. She nods ok I look back at the void and someone comes out.

Hope you liked this chapter next one will be out in a bit 🤗

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