The day

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-Rusty's pro-
I wake up and get dressed and get out of my room and head to the living room and Alex is sitting in the kitchen and see me and asks "are you ready?" "yup I'm totally ready because today's the day I'm going to confess my feelings for Pink and hopefully she feels the same way it's 10:00 am and the plan should start when ever Pink decides to wake up." I say "ok so Meghan and Julia should be here soon to ask Pink if she wants to go shopping with them to pick out a new outfit for her and while they are doing that we will be setting up a little area in the park with the your future selves to help us out." Alex said "Ok let's leave a note for Pink and tell her we're going somewhere boring so she won't fallow us." I say Alex nods "but where are we 'going'?" He asks "hmmmm.......... how about we go on another aventure like a swamp place so she will think we are doing something stupid or something." I say "ok good now let me write it down." Alex writes down what we 'doing today' and we slowly walk to the front door. Before we got to the door we heard a door open upstairs. "Oh god its Pink! She woke up very early today! Why?" I say keeping my voice down for her not to hear me. "I don't know!" Alex says whispering to me. We look at each other and we go outside slowly closing the door.

~Pink's pro~
Wow I woke up early today that's a first. I get up and walk to my closest and get dressed for the day. "I feel like wearing something different today I always wear the same shorts and shirt. I'm going to wear something different." I say to myself and change

" I say to myself and change

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(She's wearing this)

"I wonder what the boys are doing?" I ask myself I shrug and open the door. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and than walk downstairs. I see a note on the kitchen counter "oh the boys are going on an aventure without me great I wanted to show Rusty my new outfit. But I guess not." :(
(No ones pro)
well what Pink didn't notice that the boys were still outside and heard what she said. Rusty was blushing"w-w-e should go Alex." Rusty says trying to speak low for Pink not to hear. Alex nods and they start to walk to the park. The future them will join them in a few.

Hope you liked this chapter next one will be out in a bit 🤗

Pink+Rusty   ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora