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Back at the house
-Rusty's pro-
For some odd reason I wake up I got out of the void and walk to the kitchen to get something to drink. I felt something weird and I go upstairs to make sure Pink and Alex are ok. I go to Alex's door and he is asleep. Then I go to Pinks room and she's not there. My heart skips a beat "oh god where is she?!" I say but trying not to be loud for Alex to sleep. I put my hoodie on but still in my pj pants because I felt like it. (Don't ask why I felt like I need to wright that I just wanted to let you know.) I go to the front when I got to the door future Pink is there "Oh hi future Pink what's up? And have you seen our Pink?" I ask "I'm good and don't worry she's with future you their hanging out....." she said in a calm manner "Oh thank god i was worried for a second....I thought she got kidnapped again...thank god.... so what's up?" "I came here to ask if you wanted to go on a walk?... to talk and see if you have questions but I won't answer all of them...ok?" She said I nod and we go
=Alex's pro=
Still sleeping 😴
-Rusty's pro-
We started walking then we went to the park I just looked at everything and I remembered something. "I remember we had a snowball fight here and Pink got nocked out and I was so scared thinking.... "oh god she has a concussion we have to get her to a hospital or something." But thankfully she was ok and she woke up." I said and not even a second after future Pink starts to cry a little bit. "I'm sorry I just remembered the same thing but I was thinking "oh god what happened" then I thought "Is Rusty ok?" But obviously you were ok.... then we went home and I started having feelings for you.....can I ask you a question?" She said "ok sure." I said "do you have feelings for your Pink?" I started blushing "w-w-well um I-I-I think s-so. Why?" I asked "just asking" I start to blush even more but still trying to act cool. Then I asked "can you take me where you and future me had our first date?" "Sure lets go" we start walking to the house "why are we back at the house?" I asked confused "don't worry we're going to the void we had our first date some where else." She said she grabbed my hand and we went to the void "don't worry just stay close and hang on tight... ok? She said I nod and we jump.
A few minutes later
=Alex's pro=
(Yay Alex is finally here hope you like his part don't worry there will be a whole chapter about him. Maybe he'll be with Meghan haha be prepared🤗)
I woke up for some odd reason and felt weird I go downstairs to see if Rusty is up to talk. I want to ask him if I should ask Meghan out. When I got to the void he wasn't there..... that's wired he would be sleeping right now where is he I'll go check his room. I jump and end up in his room he isn't there ether great. I'll check if I could talk to Pink than I go back upstairs and she isn't there awesome. "Where are they are they on a date or something and didn't tell and I thought we were friends!! Ok I'll try to call them.'' I called Pink and here phone is in her room ok I'll try Rusty. He always answers me. I hear something downstairs I go see and it's his phone great. "Where are they?!"

Hope you liked this chapter next one will be out in a bit 🤗

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