Story prompt #2

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Story prompt: Start the story with a sentence that is genuinely happy and upbeat with no double meaning. Then end the story with the same sentence but this time it has a dark and malicious meaning.

"it was an honest mistake."

I couldn't stop crying. I broke my mom's favorite cup. I was just washing it when it slipped from my hands to the floor. glass was everywhere and I was in the middle crying.

"tay, it's okay. mugs can be replaced. you didnt mean to break it. it was an honest mistake. okay? I'm just glad you're okay."

it was an honest mystkae. this is something I was quite used to hearing. from a little child who would mess something up to it being used as a coin excuse for almost everything. it was really getting on my nerves. I remember the last time I actually believed that. it was when my boyfriend and I were on a date when his phone began ringing. he let me answer it. so I did. but not before I saw the name.

Samantha Dilon.

why was she calling my boyfriend. so I just answered it without saying anything. and she started talking.

"hey honey. so when is our date? did you say that it was after you dumped whatsherface? I don't even know why you are dating her. obviously, I'm better because you came to me. honey? hello?"

I didn't even say anything. but I did hang up on her. I could hear him waking into the kitchen.

"hey, babe. who was that on the phone?"

"I don't know. why don't you tell me?"

"what do you mean?"

I needed to know the truth.

"are you cheating on me with Samantha?"

I saw his face just pale. I'm pretty sure his mouth went dry as well because he started looking like a gasping fish. opening and closing his mouth trying to find the right words.

"you are, aren't you?"

"it's not what you think it looks like..."

"really? because from where I'm standing it's look pretty clear to me."

"you have to understand."

"understand what? that everything you've said to me wasn't true? what do I have to understand? when did this start? how long has this been going on behind my back?!"

"it was an honest mistake. I didn't mean for it to even happen. but then one thing led to another and now, I'm stuck between you and Samantha."

"Samantha is my best friend. why would you even consider doing anything with her when you claimed you love me?!?!"

to say I was pissed would be an understatement. I was furious. sam was my best friend since 3rd grade. and she goes and gets my boyfriend to cheat on me with her. I didn't want to believe it.

"Tay, you have to believe me when I say it all started with an..."

"don't you dare say it was an honest mistake. because we both know that an mistake like this can't be honest."

he opened his mouth to say something. but nothing came out. frustrated, I picked up my keys and left his house. to where I was going, I didn't know yet. I just knew I had to get out of there. that was 2 years ago. and you can guess that he isn't my boyfriend and Sam and I arent in talking terms. I mean, they both try to makes amends with me but I won't have it.

"hey tay, we're gonna head home. are you alright here by yourself?"

"yeah, im not going to be much longer. have a safe ride home."

"you too tay, don't stay to late studying. you need rest."

Michael and brisha packed up and left. I started packing up. but I wasn't going to do home. nope. I needed to clear my head, so I was going to go for a long drive with the windows down, relishing in the cool summer air. I got on an old road that ran out into the middle of nowhere from my home town. I was driving for about an hour when i decided to turn around and go home. it wasn't until then did I realise the car following me. I couldn't see the driver and it didn't look like a police car. I started speeding up and they did as well. I was starting to get worried. I couldn't call anyone because there was awful cell reception in this part. so my only hope was to out drive them. but that wasn't the case. all of a sudden I felt something hit my rear and it set me into a tailspin. I couldn't see it until it was too late. my car slammed head first into the rock formations that made our town. tires screeching, my tires, trying to avoid the solid rock was the last thing I ever heard.

3rd pov

a funeral was held for Taylor Bishop. not before they caught the person responsible. and who it was, shocked everyone. they found the driver and the same car not too far off from Tay, with their car in and shape. and the driver unconscious. fortunately, there was a security camera from a local diner on that part of the road that caught the two cars driving by. and it caught on tape the car that did the job. police pulled out the driver of that car. and identified her as Samantha Dilon.

"Samantha Dilon. comvicted for homicide. sentenced for life in prison. will you state the for the record why you did that horrendous act on the might of July 18th, 1996? and don't think about lying. we have on tape your confession to the act you committed."

"I don't have a reason for doing what I did, your honor."

"and please explain to us why that is."

"you see your honor. the answer it pretty simple."

"I'm growing weary of your antics Ms. Dilon. will you just answer the question?"

if you were just someone watching the trial, you might not have noticed it. not everyone would have been able to see through the tears. but Tay's mom saw Samantha's eyes. for a brief minute, they lost their humanity. you would have to have known her for most of her life to understand how she speaks through her eyes. Samantha just smiled with fake tears in her eyes.

"it was an honest mistake."

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