Richie couldn't even begin to explain everything. Like Richie has said countless times to people, Lydia was basically his sister, blood or surnames didn't matter to him. Lydia didn't judge him the tiniest bit when she found out his secret and he would always appreciate her for that. Lydia had been his best friend growing up and he knew there was not a chance they would ever live a life without the other, honestly Richie couldn't even imagine life without Lydia.

Mike felt the exact same as Ben, being the only African American kid in a town is hard but Lydia made him feel as though he was no different to those around him, his colour didn't matter. That was something he would remember his whole life.

and Stan, wow where could he begin? He probably liked Lydia the moment Richie introduced her to him in 4th grade and now she was his girlfriend, just like everyone else Stan hoped he and Lydia would have a future together because what this situation made him realise most was that he one hundred and ten percent lov-

"Lyds?!" Beverly shouted down the well, snapping basically everyone out of the sad silence they were in. Bev's voice echoed through the well as everyone sat in silence, hoping for some form of response, getting no luck.

"how are we supposed to get down there?" Mike questioned, leaning down a bit to see how far the rocks on the side stuck out. Bill turned from the group, shining his torch around in attempt to find something, his torch landing on a pile of rope as he turned to the group with a smile.

Richie threw the rope down the well, Mike tugging at the top to test the knot and make sure it was tight enough. Bill stood on the edge of the well, volunteering to go down first, followed by Eddie, Beverly, Stanley, Richie and then Ben, Mike deciding to go last as he had the gun.

Richie and Bill helped Ben into the hole they had found halfway down the well as Mike stood at the top, preparing to go down though he was too busy on making sure the others were okay to notice Henry Bowers standing behind him, blood covering his face.

Mike pulled his gun to his side and took a deep breath before reaching out and grabbing the rope but Henry charged forward, hitting Mike in the back with a pole from the ground. Mike let out a pained scream, causing the six who made it into the well to quickly turn to the opening and shine their lights, calling out Mikes name.

Henry grabbed Mikes shirt and pulled him back, leaving Mike on his back. Henry walked to edge of the well, looking down at Bill, Richie, Ben and Bev who were looking up at him "Bowers..." Bev mumbled "Mike, fuck" Richie whispered, realising the boy was probably in trouble. Henry smiled evilly before making sounds like a sheep, everyone was too scared to even pick up on it or realise how truly psychotic the boy had become and that it was all a certain clowns fault.

Henry reached out and grabbed the rope, pulling it up to him, causing those who could see him to freak out and reach out in attempts to grab it, in the end failing. They all began to call out Mike's name as they saw Henry back away from the wall, hoping for some sort of reply.

From the top Henry threw the rope to the floor and turned around to face Mike who still lay on his back "You didn't listen to what I told ya did ya? You should've stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn't and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes, sad, that I couldn't have done it myself." Henry spoke, taking a step towards Mike with every word he spoke causing him to be towering over him.

The last words Henry had spoke seemed to snap something in Mike as he quickly reached over beside him to try grab his gun and load it but Henry grabbed his hands and sat in his chest in attempts to hold him down as his friends continued screaming his name from inside the well.

Henry took the gun from Mikes hand, staring into his eyes as he slowly loaded it. Mike grunted, feeling slightly helpless as Henry lowered the gun to in between his eyebrows, ready to shoot. Right as Henry began to push the trigger Mike pushed the gun to the side, seconds away from being killed. Henry lifted the gun and stared at the pipe that came out in disbelief, Mike took this chance to lift a rock from beside him and hit Henry as hard as he could in the head.

Henry fell backwards, off Mike and onto the floor. The two boys slowly got up but before Henry could think of anything to do Mike was charging towards him at a fast speed. Once Mike reached Henry he pushed him as hard as he could, resulting in Henry falling backwards.... straight down the well.

The 5 who sat at the opening of the well gasped and sat back slightly, watching the teen who had bullied them for years fall down the what looked to be never ending well. "HOLY SHIT!" Richie yelled, continuing to stare down as Beverly and Eddie looked up to the top, where Mike now stood, looking over.

"Mike!" Bev yelled in relief, Mike took a breath before answering "I'm okay...". Everyone let out breaths of reliefs and watched on as Mike got ready to reload his gun, dropping most of his bullets in the mean time, everyone watched as they fell into the darkness just as Henry had.

Stanley though, seemed to have been distracted by something else "Stanley..." a female voice, sounding a lot like Lydia's whispered from behind him. Stan immediately turned to the sound of what he believed to be his girlfriends voice "Lyds? Is that you?" he called out, his voice slightly shaky as he shone his flashlight towards the opening of the tunnel they had been sitting in. Everything was silent for a moment until Pennywise popped his head around the corner, letting out his famous evil laugh.

Stan turned around, ready to warn his friends but instead of turning around to Eddie, Ben, Bill, Rich and Beverly huddled up in a group watching Mike prepare to climb down his friends were gone and he was no longer in the same tunnel, the one he was in now looked like it opened to a huge room.

Hesitantly Stanley walked forward, his flashlight moving all around the room as he attempted to find out where he was. "Guys? Guys!" Stan repeated, spinning around in circles as he continued looking until a weird noise caused him to stop and look towards the area it came from.

As everyone else sat in the same place, watching Mike throw the rope down once again and begin to climb down Eddie turned around, noticing how quiet Stan had been. Eddie quickly nudged Richie, the closest person to him "Stan" he mumbled, catching Richie's full attention. Richie turned around and aimed his flashlight down the tunnel.

"Guys, where's Stan?" Eddie called out, gaining everyone's attention and their worry to once again spike high.

A/N; sorry shitty place to end but I just wanted to post for you guys :)

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