Prologue: The Bug Girl

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                                         Once there was a young girl, named Marinette Dupain-Cheng who wore a red dress with black spots on it. This was her favorite outfit, but she also wore a mask to match it.

                               No one knew where the mask came from or why she wore it so much.  Everyone just thought she wore it for playing dress up.  She was known as the bug girl.

                                      In the same village where she lived was a boy named Adrien who was best friends with Nino, Sabrina, and Chloe.  Chole was the type who would use any excuse to bully someone.

                                     Sabrina and Nino wondered how Adrien could be friends with Chloe.  In this story, neither of them can stand her.

                                        Also, another girl, Alya was mean too and would bully others right along with Chloe. 

                                         One day, the group of friends is in the park when they see the girl in the red and black spotted outfit.  They were all kind to her expect for the two mean ones as before mentioned.

                                      "Hi,"  Nino, Sabrina, and Adrien answer together.

                                       "Hey, you bug girl," Chloe scoffs.

                                     "Yes, you are rather buggy!" Alya remarks.


                                     "Hey, you two stop it!" Adrien says. He immediately comes to the girls defense.
                                       "Yes, leave her alone!" Nino says.

                                      "It is not nice to pick on her,"  Sabrina adds.

                                     "Well, no one asked you!" Chole blurts out.

                                      "She is right," Alya agrees.

                                     "Hi, I am Marinette," The girl says shyly.  She thinks, the kids do not like me.

                                     "Why do you always wear a mask?" Nino asks.

                                      "It does not come off," Marinette tells him.

                                      "Oh, I am sorry," Sabrina says.

                                       "Same here," Adrien remarks.

                                      Adrien lives not far from where Marinette and feels rather sorry for her.  He hates it when the bullies pick on her. He is glad to see his best friends, Nino and Sabrina are kind to her.

                                       "Adrien, you are cute!" Chloe says.

                                      "Sorry, Chloe. I do not like you," Adrien says.

                                         "Ha, he told you,"  Nino says.

                                     " Yes, he sure did," Sabrina agrees.

                                     "Nice to meet you, Nino, Sabrina, and A-Adrien," Marinette says.

                                    "Nice to meet you too, Marinette! "  The others say.

                                    "I have no friends," Marinette says sadly.

                                   "Well, you can be our friend," Adrien says.

                                     "I will never be friends with a  bug freak like you!" Chloe yells at her and stomps off.

                                      "I  do not like you," Alya says. She walks off in a huff too.

                                      Marinette smiles at Adrien and blushes.  Nino smiles at Sabrina and she blushes too.

                                            Little did they know how much their friendship would grow over the years!    Little did they know that Marinette's statement about the mask was true!



The Bug Girl and the Boy by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now