ii. You Lose Some, You Win Some

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Stiles missed all his classes, again. He spent all day in the washroom waiting for the bell to ring or just crying. The bell rang, and he started to get his bags.

But before his not-so-grand escape from hell, his body shut down as soon as he heard footsteps. There was one set of footsteps, no two footsteps.

"Stiles killed Allison, Scott!" Isaac, definitely Isaac.
"The Nogitsune did!" What a surprise, it's Scott.

"Nogitsune or not, he should have been the one who died!" Isaac shouted leaving Scott and Stiles speechless.

"Isaac--" Scott started but the angry teen wolf cut him off. "I'm leaving." He closed the door hard that it made a loud bang from 100 shotguns being shot just beside the startled Stiles.

Scott sighed then left. Leaving poor little Stiles in the washroom.

* * *

The boy opened the door to his house. Everything felt so foreign yet so familiar. His gaze fell on a yellow note on the fridge.

I'm working a graveyard shift tonight and tomorrow night. I left some money on the table so you can buy some food while I'm gone.


He sighed and saw the money on the table, he didn't bother buying anything right now so he ignored it and went to his room.

He sat at his chair and wore his headphones. The screen blinded him, it's been a while since he saw something bright, wait no, he saw it everyday.

He opens PUBG and turns on voice chat. Stiles saw the names of his teammates, MinMin, 250Brit and BetrayerA1. Weird name, but OK.

While they were still on the plane, one of his teammates sent a message.

250Brit: hey everyone follow me

He followed the Brit, and they probably followed him too.

MinMin: Good that.
BetrayerA1: Hey guys turn on your voice chat i miss your voices :(
250Brit: it's been only a few minutes ter

Ah, so they're friends. Stiles thought bitterly in his head.

250Brit: hey tommy turn on your voice chat, we don't bite. at least not too hard.

That took him by surprise, no one has ever invited him. Ever. At least not after the Nogitsune.

Thomas24: uh yeah sure

He hesitated, and shakily turned it on. "Hey there, Tommy." A British accent rang through his headphones.

"Uh, hi." He said, embarrassed at himself for being so awkward. "Hey, no need to be shy." It was a female's voice, it was BetrayerA1.

"Hey slintheads, we're about to start!" It was MinMin. "Ready, Tommy?" The Brit asked the new boy. "Ready." And that's how Stiles met his new friends

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