“Don’t worry. I don’t think Kendall will let him miss that.”

            “Bye Cera. Take care.”

            “You too Curly.” I knew she had a smile on the other side of the phone, and then the line went dead.

            I left the room a little down; I knew what I had to do. I put on my jacket and headed out the door.

Kat’s POV

            I saw Harry leave the house and I was wondering where he was off to, but let him go because he looked like he was in a hurry. I went up to Marlina and my room.

            “Hey Lina, I have to talk to you about something.” I started

            “Yeah, what’s going on?” She replied.

            “It’s about Harry,” I paused, “I just don’t feel right doing this to him because you know how I really feel about him.”

            “Don’t worry Kat. If everything goes according to plan then we can both keep our men.”

            “But what if it doesn’t? Are you ready to have the burden of you best friend’s broken heart on your shoulders?” I started piling the questions on.

            “Jeez Kat stop being so pessimistic!”

            “God you are SO SELFISH! All you think about is ME ME ME! What about everyone else, huh?” She fell silent. “Exactly what I thought.” I continued walking towards the door.

            She started laughing evilly, “You don’t think I have anything to threaten you with do you? Don’t you remember who you told your darkest secret to?”

            “You wouldn’t!”

            “Oh but you know I would.” She smirked.

            “You better NOT Marlina.”

            “Well I would IF you go on with the plan. What do you say?”

            “Fine,” I signed, “You’re such a twat.” I turned around to leave.

            “And proud of it hun.” I could tell she had the biggest smirk on her face even with my back turn towards her.

            GOSH! I regret opening up to her now. I wonder whatever happened to my best friend, it’s like ever since she got on this show she hasn’t been herself. She never used to be like this, she used to have a conscience and a very big heart. She has dug herself in this big black hole and I am determined to get her out of it even if it ends me because that’s what friends are for right? To help pick you up when you fall.

Liam’s POV

            It was half eight when I woke up this morning and I noticed that Harry and Louis weren’t in bed. I know Harry was here last night because I carried his sorry butt up to his bed because he was too drunk to walk up the stairs and I didn’t stay up long enough to see if Louis had come back to the house last night. I walked downstairs to see if either of them were there but there was no sign of them. So I grabbed my phone and called Louis.

            “Hello?” Louis answered, sounding like he had just woken up.

            “Lou, where are you mate?” I asked.

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