7. Deepened Cross roads..

Start from the beginning

Shadiya Ma lived nearby the Jummah masjidh with her Husband and her two grand daughters.. she was a motherly figure to Muradh having supported him at the most crucial part of his life.. since then they were a part of his family.. more like his only family..
" I will bring her soon Aachi.. where is seeya( grandpa) by the way? didn't see him in the masjid" he smiled..

"he has gone on business putha, he will be retuning in a day or two" she replied, looking at the girls eagerly listening to their conversation, she ordered them to go back and offer their maghrib prayers and to start reciting the quran.. which the girls obeyed sulkily..

she beckoned Muradh to come sit by her side, taking his hands in hers.. "now tell me whats wrong?" He asked lovingly..

"Lying his head against her lap while she caressed his hair.."

"I'm scared Ma.. I'm so scared that I will lose her too.." he murmured ..
"Why would you think that?" She asked incredulously..

At the verge of giving up to the anguish clawing in his heart pushing him off limits, he found himself spilling everything tearing apart his heart to shards.. Shadiya Ma kept listening attentively all the while stroking his hair and smiled all knowingly when he finished 

"I did saw this coming Muradh but not this quick though.." she beamed..

"you saw this coming?" he asked, clearly taken back..

"Tell me Muradh , what does patience appeal to you as?" she asked..

"umm.. I guess it always has a positive effect on critical situations?" he guessed..

" to put it in a better and simpler way putha, patience is the answer for everything.." she smiled..

" Marriage isn't a piece of cake Muradh, its a union of two different souls from two entirely different worlds coming together sharing their lives as one.. and its not simple as it sounds though.. while children brought under the same roof struggles to cope with the other, how foolish of us to expect that our spouse adjoining our life from another one of their own, a deep contrast to ours, would be able to handle it soft and smooth.." she shook her head in disbelief..

" Its not about who dominates, but all about the perfect balance maintained in making up your own world.. until his almighty unravels his miracles by unveilings roads in dead ends and put things in place, patience and prayers is all you've got putha.. and the good news is, that is all you need"

" I'm so scared Ma, so freakingly scared.. with her walls so high and fire in her soul, I think she will always be a mystery ill never be able to unveil.. she is so fragile... Ive grown to be familiar with her presence in my life, I find myself unable to even decipher a life without her.. yet at times.. her fragility is replaced but a ferocity so intensely against me, that Im scared she will unleash my frustrations and drive me back to the beast I once was.." he sighed.. " I don't want her to see that side of me Ma, I don't even want her to know that such a side ever existed in me" he whimpered..

" I don't get her, neither does she understands me, I feel like im fighting a loosing battle Ma, its either her fire would burn me down to ashes or she would be bleeding to death in my broken shards.. would this ever work out ma?" he finished giving her a deep forlorn look..

" trust on you to put it that way Muradh.." she chuckled.. " there again.. as I said.. the only solution would be patience and prayers.. with them backing you up.. there is no way its not supposed to work out.. Muradh she has left the world she has been living in snce she was brought to this world and embarked on a journey holding your hands blindly.. isn't it your responsibility to prove she is all safe and sound.. wouldn't it come down to you to prove her that she isnt abandoned? Putha.. what if she doesn't talk.. make her talk.. what if she doesn't understand.. make her understand.. what if she is a mystery.. unravel the walls she hides behind.. The Muradh I know has crossed seas and trudged on bigger adversities to get here.. I cant believe my son is cowering down in this.. "

"broken doesn't mean you've lost the will to live but that you've seen life in its worst and all ready to enjoy it in its best.. what if it seems to not work out? go ahead putha.. Make it work.. prove her that you're a worthy choice in life..prove her that you've got her back and show her the profound effect she has in your life and remember the only tools you will ever need is Patience and prayers... she explained leaving Muradh awestruck on the depth of life appealing in simplicity..

Assalamu alaikum w.w peeps..

Sooo here it is.. trust me when I say this is one of the hardest chapter I've typed since.. plus I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with this Muradh guy..

Soo sooo how is it.. did I do justice to it..

Soo lemme know in comments..

Until then vote comment and share..

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