Lucifer came forward and yanked Lilith to his side, he made sure he was in front of her so the demon couldn't do any advances.

"Lilith I told you Aurelius isn't the one for you, as much as you hate hearing it it's true-"

His sister cut him off, she was furious. In her case fuming furiously.

"LUCIFER THIS ISN'T YOUR LIFE IT'S MINE! I DO WHAT I WANT WITH MY LIFE, you're not the one who's in my position aren't you?" She let the rhetorical question hang through the air between them. "Leave Aurelius alone, he hasn't done anything wrong! You've got this all wrong!"

Lucifer sighed and he dipped his head, pulling Lilith with her. They left Aurelius in the alleyway, he could hear his love's pleading to make her older brother let her go but it was no use. 


Daybreak came earlier for Lilith, it had been more than a week since she saw Aurelius again. Lucifer made sure she didn't head out of the house, neither did any of her brothers. Belphie was at her side making sure she wasn't too down in the dumps but love was love and no one ever change that but Lilith.

She spent her days pondering out into space, hoping that she could finally prove to Lucifer that Aurelius wasn't as bad as he thought he was. The Aurelius she knew was kind, honest, loyal and gentle she'd never imaged him as a terrorist, a mass killer, a womanizer. It just didn't sit right if she tried to think of him that way.

It was around 6 pm, it was getting dark but not pitch black yet.

The door crept open and Lucifer strolled into her room, he was wearing his usual white attire that most high ranked angels would usually equip. He looked partially embarrassed and guilty, none of those qualities was ever shown by the Lucifer.

"I-uh," starts Lilith, Lucifer raises a hand. 

"I'm sorry about what happened, I know you have a right to not listen to me but I'll only tell you what's best for you Lilith, I care about you as your brother I don't want you getting hurt.  I had a talk with everyone else and they settled on this approach, I'd like to make it up to you by treating anywhere you'd like to eat," 

His hand rested on his chest sincerely, Lilith blinked her eyes several times and subconsciously pinched herself. She was not dreaming at all.

"O-okay then,"

But the day got worse by the minute.

The minute she walked into the parlour she knew something was off, across the road was a pub where men normally spend their time when they were wanting to lay back and relax for once. Lilith, herself had never stepped into a bar and never would.

Lucifer was out to refresh himself in the bathroom and she spotted a set of eyes she'd always recognise. It was him, he was there in the flesh. She rubbed her eyes and didn't believe it, she couldn't believe actual angels were accepting a demon into their territory. Afterall Lilith had first met Aurelius one rainy night where he was on the brink of death.

He was drunk.

Lilith could just tell, he was a swaggering mess. He wasn't even holding his shot glass properly and she wanted to know who was in charge of getting him intoxicated. At that, she ran across the road and popped into the bar earning creepy grins from drunk men and women around her.

They weren't sober at all, they were all a mess. She made her way through the crowd to find her brunette but she stopped. Her mouth was agape, she couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing.

"Aurelius, you see so dashing to be a demon. Are you perhaps taken?"  the woman asks lazily sat on the seat next to him but was dangerously close to hopping onto his left thigh. 

Aurelius sat in the mist, his eyes were half-lidded and he was out of it entirely. But surely he was sober enough inside to say he had Lilith. Aurelius thought carefully to himself, playfully teasing her.

"To really think about it no dear~"


"Y/N! Y/N, please wake up," the soft voice lulled at the back of your head it was muffled and you couldn't quite make out who it was. "Y/N please don't leave me,"

Hey Guys~~

Sorry for the late update, I've been so caught up in school work but I will try my best to keep at it with updates! Thank you all for reading.

Until the next update


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