Suddenly, the door completely opened and Eryk was standing in the door frame. He had his duffle bag in one hand and his keys, jacket and phone in the other. He glanced at my frustrated face and then at Charlie's bitter stare towards me.

"It feels serious in here." He said, trying to make a joke but it was instantly shot down by a disapproving look from Charlie. "Sorry...I would have knocked my but hands are full."

"Cody, do you want to tell your brother what's going on?" Charlie put his hands on his hips. "Or should I tell him?"

After nothing but silence from me, Charlie took it upon himself to tell Eryk of the horrible things I've done last night. I had no idea why he was telling him these things, I mean what's it to him? He's not the one who is being tortured for something that is so small and stupid.

"Eryk, I once caught you making prank phone calls. Do you remember that?"

"Yes sir."

Of course he caught Eryk making prank phone calls. Where the hell does he think I got such good ideas from? Eryk and I used to make them every Sunday morning because most people were home to actually answer the phone.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Eryk turned his head and smiled a little, "You beat my a..." He stopped instantly with one look from Charlie. "I was punished for it."

"Cody's was a lot worse, he called the police."

Eryk's eyebrows raised as his eyes widened when he turned to give me a look that I recognized all too well, in his head he was thing; Jesus Christ Cody, what the hell did you get yourself into?

"I didn't call the police! That was Greg's stupid idea..." I was interrupted by Charlie when he grabbed the underneath of my arm.



Charlie cupped the underneath of Cody's arm and forcibly brought him to the side of the bed. Bending him over, he delivered five harsh swats to Cody's backside and then pushed down on his back, indicating that Cody wasn't allowed to move from that position.

"Don't move!" He barked.

He returned his attention to me and motioned to the hallway. I reluctantly went out and he closed the door behind him.

"How was your trip?" He asked with his arms crossed, trying to calm his anger down to talk to me.

I heard Cody sniffle, probably more in fear of what's to come than from the smacks he just received.

"Charlie we can talk about this later." I wanted to put Cody out of his misery.

I know what it's like to wait for a punishment from Charlie and the anticipation eats away at your stomach until you can barely breathe. He nodded his head and put his hand on my shoulder, almost like he was thanking me for my understanding.

I waited for him to go back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him, before I went into my bedroom and shut the door as well. Hoping that I won't have to hear any of Cody's punishment while I unpack and make sure everything is in order in the room.



I heard him pull a chair out and then sigh heavily. I turned my head to look behind me and I saw that he was sitting at his desk with his hand rubbing the middle of his forehead while he left me here embarrassed.

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