Chapter 20

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In a few minutes the door opens and reveals all of the boys, beaming with excitement.  This has to be good news.  I sit up from my position with my head in Riley's lap and my feet on Nas's lap, and I see Michael come running at me.  I let him pick me up and spin me around.  When he sets me down I press my forehead to his, and he closes the space, pushing our lips together.  

"So what's the great news?"  I ask.  

"Well..."  Ashton starts, but he can't finish because he is smiling to wide with excitement.  So Calum finishes. 

"Our tour, is going to be completely based with yours."  Calum says smiling widely.  

"What does that mean?"  Lauren says.  

"It means that you get to stay in Rent, and we will always be around, plus we get to go on tour and live our dream."  Luke says.  

"And you too Riley, you get to live on our bus.  So even though you won't be on the same bus as Nikki, she isn't leaving."  Luke assures her.  

Then all of the sudden, after a few moments of silence, and growing smiles, we all break out into cheers.  Things were looking up.  Nothing could possibly go wrong now.  My boyfriend, and best friends and all of their boyfriends would be coming on tour, and seeing the U.S. together.  This couldn't get any better.  

"I love you guys."  I blurt out, which resulted in a massive group hug.  

"Let's go get ice cream and sushi!"  Lauren suggests.  

"Ew no!"  Riley screamed.  She hated sushi.  

"I want pizza!"  Michael screamed.  And soon enough the room was mass chaos.  Everyone was screaming what they wanted,and then laughing when someone else said the same thing, or 'ewwing' at other peoples recommendations.  Then I had an idea.  

"Hey Guys!"  I scream, getting every ones attention in the room.  "Why don't we just go somewhere where we can get everything."  I smirk.  

"Which is?"  Ashton says.  

"7-11"  Riley and I scream at the same time.  

Riley and I had had countless midnight trips to the seven eleven across the street when we first moved here.  We were only freshman in high school, with almost no money, and I guess we hadn't learned 'class' yet.  Now we take midnight trips to Starbucks, and Chipotle.  Every time we couldn't agree on what we wanted we would just go to seven eleven because they had everything, and we always left about 30 dollars poorer.  

A few minutes later, we found ourselves, along with Sierra and Ryan at 7-11.  We decided since she was part of our newly formed tour group thing, she could come celebrate too.  As soon as we opened the door, we all went rushing in opposite directions, picking out whatever looked good.  After about 10 minutes, we were all back at the front, hands full of food.  We put it all on the counter, and Ash said he would pay.  There was a shit-ton of food.  By the time everyone was happy there were 3 bottles of smart water, 5 slurpies, of the giant variation, 3 cans of soda, 12 things of candy, 4 cups of Ramen Noodles.  2 packages of sushi, a tub of mint ice cream, a whole pizza, a jar of peanut butter, and a can of pickles, which was Lauren's new obsession... weird right?  There was also 7 mini hot dogs, 4 hot pockets, a pack of gum, and 2 huge bags of Cheetos puffs.  The man rung eveything up, and lets just call it expensive.  Ashton was pretty ticked, and he told Calum, who was teasing him, that he had to buy next time.  That shut Calum up real good.  

We got back to Riley and I's apartment, ans layed everything out in the middle of the floor, like a giant buffet, and put on Mean Girls, which seemed to be what we watched almost every time something like this happened.  Our group was crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I sat down on the couch, cuddled into Michael's side, and ate all of my food, and drank my slurpee.  I got up to throw my stuff away, and went to the kitchen to freeze my smart water.  That stuff was soo good, but really expensive, and I didn't drink it that often, but when I did, it was so good frozen, and melting as the day went on.  It would be really good for rehearsals tomorrow.  

As I went to walk back to my spot with Michael, I couldn't help but stop and look.  Everyone was cuddling and laughing at the movie, eating their plates of junk food.  I hoped this is how it would be forever.  I couldn't see it any other way, and I loved that.  Our friendships would never be broken, because we never hurt each other.  But things can always change, I remind myself.  I snapped out of my daze and walked back over to the couch, where I cuddled up against Michael's chest.  It was only 9, but I was already unbelievably tired, and before I knew it I was falling asleep, to the sounds of my best friends.  I wouldn't want anything else.  

What seems like only a few minutes later, I wake up to strong arms under me.  I open my eyes and see Michael, lifting me up off the couch.  

"It's okay babe go back to sleep."  Michael soothes.  

"What time is it?" I ask back.  

"10:30" he replies.  And then I notice we are in the hallways of the apartment.  

"Where are we going?"  I ask still half asleep.  

"To my house."  Michael answers a smile spreading on his face.  

"Why?"  I ask, closing my eyes again.  

"Damn Nikki, you ask a lot of questions when you are tired.  Because Sierra and Ryan fell asleep in your bed, Nas and Calum fell asleep in Riley's, Ash and Lauren on the couch, and Riley and Luke on the couch in the secret room."  Michael explains, then yawning.  Then I realized we were also taking the stairs, and Michael had been carrying me for almost 8 flights.  

"Oh my god Michael put me down I weigh 5000 pounds let me walk."  I say trying to wiggle out of his arms.  

"No you don't you are barely 100, if that, and you were asleep. I'm not letting go so you might as well just stop trying."  Michael says holding me tighter.  I would have kept fighting, but I was just too exhausted.  

"I have rehearsals tomorrow though Mike."  I say.  

"I know princess I have the schedule to bring in tomorrow so we can announce our tour."  Michael laughs.  

"I have to be there on time."  I say already falling back asleep.  

"Don't worry Nikki, I won't let you be late again."  he says kissing my forehead.

We reach the bottom of the stairs, well not the bottom, but the 14th floor,and Michael unlocks the door, revealing his apartment.  I've only ever been in his room once, but his apartment was surprisingly neat, considering 2 teenage boys lived here unsupervised.  He carries me into his room, and switches on his light, setting me on his bed, that's still surprisingly made.  He tosses me a t-shirt, which I gladly take, and a pair of boxer shorts, I change in the corner, hoping Michael doesn't see me, and that he is changing himself, but of course he wasn't.  

"Nikki, you have nothing to be self conscious about.  You are beautiful, I can see the worry spread across your face, when it was just me.  Nikki, you are gorgeous.  And I love you all the way to the moon."  Michael says walking over to me.  

"And back"  I say a huge smile spreading across my face.  I kiss him quickly and then jump onto his bed, and crawl under the covers, hiding like I used to with Riley in second grade.  Michael tried to get me out, until he tickled my sides and I finally gave up, and let him put his arms around me, and I rested my head on his chest.  

"Goodnight love."  Michael says kissing the top of my ear.  

"Goodnight idiot."  I say kissing his nose.  And soon after we are both in a deep sleep. 

Hey guys!  So I am on a break from school this week, and I am planning on updating AT LEAST ONCE A DAY.  Also... after I finish this book, I won't just be logging out of wattpad forever.  I have so many stories (4 at the moment)  that I am planning on writing after I am finished this first one.   My mom took my phone and I am pissed af right now, so if you have tried to contact me I am SO SORRY!  I am getting it back tommorow:) AS ALWAYS... If you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment any ideas... I'd love to hear from you all.  xx-R

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