Chapter 19

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You bitch.  How could you do this?  Go away.  Don't come back I don't want to see either of you ever again.  He was fucking good to you... and this is how you repay him.  You are the lowest nastiest scum on the planet.  

Wow.  That was intense, but I am soon calmed by Michael's voice, as I was so often in my dreams.

It's okay Nikki, she wasn't worth it anyways.  I will never leave you or betray you like that.  I love you.  Wake up baby.  I will see you again soon.

The next morning I wake up to my alarm, and Michael's soft breaths on my neck, and a pounding headache.  I turn off the alarm and then wiggle in Michael's arms so that I am now facing him, and I run my fingers over his face.  

"Good morning kitten."  I say laughing.  

Michael wakes up at my comment and does his signature morning smirk with his eyes closed and nose scrunched.  I wiggle out of Michael's arms even though he tried to keep me in bed, and literally fall out of bed.  

"Owww"  I wine.  

"Good going Grace"  Michael replies sarcastically.  

"Shut up Clifford."  I say.  Then I see a glass of water on my nightstand, with a note that says 

"For hungover me."  On it.  I don't remember putting this here, but honestly I don't remember half of my night after that fight with Max.  I pick up the glass and take a big gulp, expecting it to be nice refreshing water.  But instead I was greeted with a burning sensation. Vodka.  Wow drunk me was a bitch.  But I'm sure I would laugh at that later.  I quickly run to the kitchen and grab some advil and a sports drink, and then run back to my room to find Michael already out of bed, fixing his bed head with his hands.  

"So I have to be at the New Amsterdam theatre, which is the one right across the street in a half hour for casting and the meeting about the schedule.  What time do you go into Capitol today?"  I ask.  

"In 3 hours, and then we have a meeting with stylists, then the manager, then the album people, and lastly the your people.  We should be out of there by 7."  Michael announces.  

"Same, rehearsal is over at 7."  I say walking over to Michael.  

He takes my hand and then says "Dinner tonight then?"  

"Of course"  I wink back.  

"I love you"  I say.  

"To the moon?"  Michael asks.  

"And back."  I give him a quick peck on the cheek, and then run to my closet.  

I grab a pair of yoga crops, and a plain grey v-neck.  I throw on my tennis shoes, and pull my messy hair up into a ponytail that still has some body to it from last nights look.  I then run to the bathroom and put on my makeup, taking off the remained that was left from last night.  I hear a knock at the door, and I open it to see Michael.  He smiles at me, and picks me up over his shoulder, setting me down on the couch.  

"What was that for?"  I ask still giggling like an idiot.  

"I dunno, I just wanted to."  Michael shrugs giggling too.  

"We are a hot mess"  I laugh.  

"Well you are the hot, and I'm the mess then."  Michael says smirking.  

"Uh nope.  It's the other way around. I'm the ratchet out of the 2 of us."  I laugh.  

"Nope you are my beautiful girlfriend."  Michael says kissing my cheek.  I snapped my head so he was now kissing my lips, when suddenly, my ring tone goes off, and I am getting a call from Sierra.  

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