Chap. 14 Run Away

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  We all became more and more scared, the bangs and echos getting closer and closer. I was at the point of going completely mad,

  "Guys we need to get out of here!" I barked pushing myself towards the den opening.

  "Yeah, we're right behind, Shasta." Dawn said, and they were RIGHT behind me. So close my tail almost hit Flame's face.

When we all made it outside of Blizzard's den, it looked like when we came. Then suddenly the sounds stopped, the echos turned to whispers disappearing into the air.

  "We need to fly up and out of the trees!" Asher whispered loudly. The sounds of twigs braking startled us, anything startled us. We all spread out giving ourselves enough space to spread our wings.

  "Ready?" Asher asked. We all nodded, he flapped his wings hard enough to get all the way out. We all copied him, all of is shearing through the trees. We met up in the sky, clearer than before, but none the less cold.

  "Let's keep going North!" Nate said, we had no where else to go so,

  "Okay." I replied. We all started that direction at top speed, we could hear faint echos from behind.

  "I think we're safe." Blizzard sighed, but oddly the wind silenced. Suddenly, we were pulled from the sky, attacked by the enemy. Only seeing claws teeth and feathers as we barreled down to earth.

  I felt like only death would come of this.

   "Goodbye." I whimpered, as the sky turned red with blood.

  (Sorry I didn't have a pup pic but I decided to put pup pics every few chaps so I have time to get more pup pics, again sorry.)

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