Chapter 3 - ...Or Just Look Like One

Start from the beginning

"An apparent amphetamine overdose worries me more," Dr. Lock told them. "CNS damage is severe." Olivia looked at Frank. Frank looked down, sighing softly. "The respirator's doing her breathing for her. There's something else..." Olivia and Frank looked at her. "She was raped with a wooden object."

Dr. Lock held a small bottle with liquid inside.

"What's that?" Frank asked.

"Splinters," Dr. Lock answered.

Frank and Olivia looked at each other.


Worlds Colliding (Law & Order Special Victims Unit)


Day Two

Morning - Police Department - 16th Precinct - Main Room

Everyone had a file with a picture of Theresa.

Cragen was talking to everyone in the precinct. "Her name is Theresa Burgess. She's 16 years old, a model. This is her portfolio." He looked at Frank and Olivia. "You guys want to fill us in?"

"Yeah, she was dumped outside of Roosevelt Emergency Room at about 3:33 A.M.," Frank told them. "The EMT saw a late-model sports utility vehicle, dark red or black. The vic was repeatedly stabbed with what we think is a claw hammer, and raped with a wooden object. She is at present in a coma."

"Prescription amphetamines were found in her knapsack, which is consistent with the overdose symptoms she suffered," Olivia told them. "Bloodwork and a rape kit are at the lab."

"It's someone who knows her," Monique told them.

"Sure it is," John told her. "Now if you could give us his name and address, we can go home early."

Monique gave him a look, looking at the others. "Face, breast, genitals? That says, 'Bitch, I'm going to erase you'. Then the attacker decides to drop her off at the ER."

Abigail nodded slowly. "It's the classic signs of 'Remorse and familiarity'."

Monique nodded.

"Could be one-way familiarity," Olivia told them. "Some loser fantasizes a relationship with her."

"Like Mark David Chapman thought he had a relationship with John Lennon," Cragen told them.

"That chick's picture is everywhere," Cassidy told them.

"Tell me about it," John told him. "I spent my lunch hour the other day gazing across the street at her. Three stories high on a billboard for conditioning rinse. Felt like I had a relationship with her."

"According to her daybook, last appointment was a photo shoot at Seventh Ave. And 27th Street," Frank told them. "Uniforms got the names of 12 others that were at that shoot."

"Where's the family on this?" Cragen asked.

"The mother lives upstate," Frank answered. "Hasn't returned our messages."

"Father said he was at home in Queens at the time," Olivia added.

Elliot frowned. "While his 16-year-old daughter was out roaming the streets at 3:00 in the morning?"

Frank scoffed. "Tell me about it. He's now at the hospital with his daughter."

"Be sympathetic, but not too," Cragen told them. He looked at John, Cassidy, Elliot and Abigail. "You four, take statements from the models. Anybody in court?"

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