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Lying by the pool, Julie felt like a cat in the sun, warm, lazy and satisfied. Well, okay, mostly satisfied. She'd just gone for a nice swim, her parents were gone for the weekend, and she didn't have work or class for the next three days.

All she planned on doing this weekend was lounging by the pool and relaxing with her best friend Mindy who was lying next to her. The only thing that could make today, and the rest of the long weekend better, was also the thing that could completely satisfy her; some hot steamy sex.

She could have sex in her room because the folks weren't home, sex by the pool when the neighbor's weren't home, and sex in the pool in the middle of the night. Problem was in order to have sex you needed to have someone to have sex with.

She'd sent Nick packing last month when she'd found out he was cheating on her with not one, but two girls down at Penn State. Here she'd been being a loyal girlfriend and going without while waiting for him to come home for the summer.

The upside was since it September when he'd gone down there, she'd only had sex when he'd come home for Christmas and Spring Breaks so it's not like she'd been getting it all along. But going without to be a good girlfriend and going without while your boyfriend slipped his dick in any coed that would let him, made it more frustrating.

Mindy and her other friends had told her to just jump back in the game. Hit some clubs or go out with one of the guys who flirted with her at school or the coffee shop. It sounded good. The idea of just going home with some guy and going full blown porn star on him to release months of pent up frustration.

Unfortunately, Julie was pretty much a good girl. Her parents had raised her and her younger brother Kyle to believe sex should mean something. Just shy of her twentieth birthday Julie had only been with three guys, all of whom she'd dated for a few months before sleeping with them. She'd wasted the last year with Nick and now as much as the idea of casual sex was a turn on her she knew it would only happen in her fantasies. There were guys interested in her, but she wasn't sure if she was as interested in them.

If she did begin to date she'd hold to her pattern of seeing if they cared enough about her to wait out sex. Not just sex, but Julie wasn't about to jerk off or blow a guy she hadn't slept with first. Those things were more fantasy turn on material.

Especially the thought of sucking off a couple of Nick's friends here and making sure he knew of it. No, it was looking like the summer she thought she'd be spending having hot fun and making up for lost time with her boyfriend was going to be the summer of sticky fingers and batteries.

Some of that was coming up in her near future because lying out here basking in the sun had her feeling sexy and horny. Julie wasn't stuck on herself by any means, but knew she was an attractive young woman.

She'd inherited her father's thick black hair and deep ocean blue eyes, along with her mother's cheek bones and lips that Nick had described frequently as 'luscious'. Julie took after her father's side height wise, her tall slender five nine frame towering over her mother who barely stood five two.

Her long legs made up a good part of her height and were one of her best features, especially when despite her height she wore high heels. The rest of her body resembled her mother and she had no complaints.

Julie had a slender build which seemed to make her even taller, but she was more athletic than skinny. Her well toned legs led up to a small, but firm tight little heart shaped ass she always showed off in tight jeans and when her parents weren't around painted on daisy duke shorts.

In contrast to the rest of her, Julie's breasts were far from small. A full d-cup by the age of sixteen, she'd feared they would keep getting bigger and she'd be top heavy. Fortunately they hadn't gotten any bigger, but then again neither had the rest of her.

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