Chapter 1: The Field Trip

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After cooking for everyone and everyone ate we cleaned it up. Mom and I had packed containers in the fridge for when they got back. Surprisingly it was actually really helpful to have a flying fairy to help put up pans on the top shelf. Also I found out that Genevieve's power worked on gravity. I figured that out when a plan almost fell on my head. Fortunately she caught it so it was suspended just above my head.

Feeling my heart race for a moment I then took a deep breath and then said. "Thank you Genevieve. That almost hit me in my head." Then I stood up to my full height and my head hit the pan anyways. The ringing in my head was almost as loud as the pan ringing. Grabbing the counter to keep myself from falling over while the dizzy spell took over. I could see Genevieve grab her face in shock as the pan then decided to stop orbit and just fall again. This time I grabbed the pan by the handle as it fell.

"So class. Today in science we just learned that pan's don't need gravity to hurt." I say with a dry chuckle as my dizziness finally faded and the ringing was almost gone. I heal faster than most thanks to my angelic heritage but still it was going to take a minute to be at full health. Leaning back against the counter I closed my eyes and waited for the stars and flashing lights to fade.

After about 5 minutes they faded and I open my eyes. When I open my eyes I realize that Genevieve was hugging my arm. Feliks was putting things away. He had seen me recover from buildings landing on me, being punched by Birthstone, and a kick boxing match with Hush. (Yeah that was really weird day. Pro-tip don't interrupt giants while they're on a double date. They do not like third wheels.) So a pan to the head was small stuff in comparison. Still the other kids looking at me, in worry was a bit heartwarming.

"Thank you Genevieve I promise it's alright. I am much better now. Remember how I'm half angel? Well angels are pretty tough." I flex my arms for a moment to demonstrate my strength as I begin to get up. Genevieve is now looking down at the ground and I can just barely hear her whisper. Just only slightly louder than her own breathing.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was very soft and if I didn't know any better I would have thought I imagined it. Still I smile down and wave it off.

"It's no trouble accidents happen. And I'm all better now just keep practicing Genevieve and you'll get a lot better. Maybe next time you can lift pots and pans." I say with a smile to indicate I am joking. I can see a faint smile on her face. She seemed to get the joke and I didn't know her well enough but still making a child smile was proof I was doing something right. Standing up I helped guide the kids to the van. Multiple seats and then everyone got seated.

Feliks sat up front next to me and the others sat behind me. Autumn talked with Mari and they both seemed to be getting into very heated discussion about what counted as human, supernatural, or half of both. Eli and Genevieve sat together in the very back and they seemed to be whispering to each other a lot. I began to drive the van down the road to the Museum of technology.

It took some time but traffic in Cathedral City was thankfully really good. Most people took the tram, or the airway to get where they needed to go. Outside of the windows zeppelins, and enormous skyway bridges connected the buildings. Some were modern skyscrapers others were Greco-Roman callbacks that seemed to scream domes, columns, and white marble. The road that I was on was empty except for us but I kept the speed limit. There was a slight tingling in the area behind my left ear that let me know there was angels nearby.

Cathedral City Police would hire angels where they could to enforce the speed limit. There was a common held belief that angels would enforce the rules no matter what and that they were incorruptible. That was obviously not true when going the speed limit I was pulled over. There was a flashing red and blue light over me and a loud siren noise. I sighed to myself and began to pull over. The kids stopped talking and Feliks looked worried. He could feel the tingle behind his ear too and he knew that meant an angel was getting closer.

Felka and the Saint SerumWhere stories live. Discover now