Chapter 0: School Trip

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I was at my work bench doing some tweaks on my lightning gloves. They were carefully fitted for my size hands and the grooves were fitted for my hands. There were copper coils around the wrist and forearm component. The palms were conductive and had wires in insulated hoses leading to the battery packs on the inside of the glove. The batteries would make contact with my skin allowing me easy access to the charge and an easy way to leach the charge.

The fingertips of the gloves were also copper that made contact with my skin allowing again easy access to the high voltage I would be using with the gauntlet. The gloves also had thin hard rubber that would cover the fingertips and the palm to allow me to deal with things that cannot handle the charge like fragile electronics, or people. The back of the gloves had black padding similar to boxing gloves also made out of rubber. When my hands were relaxed they would cover the back of my hand and could work to protect against some blows. But when I made a fist they would function as boxing gloves. The rubber wasn't made to add power so much as dampen it some so I wouldn't be punching bad guys with basically medieval gauntlets.

Satisfied with my work I carefully stitched on a golden lightning bolt on both rubber paddings of the gloves. The lightning bolts completed the look because everyone in Cathedral City was familiar with that familiar lightning bolt shaped like the Greek Letter alpha. The insignia of the ever popular hero of Cathedral City, Electric Angel. Or to my friends and family my name is just Felka. I hang up my gauntlets and get my work shop cleaned up. Feeling a little lazy I pick up a metal hook I have at the end of a golf club. A tool of my own design for getting things from a far distance away.

I hold the iron hook in my left hand and I feel currents flow through my hand. My palm feels hot and little sparks and electric bolts fly from my fingers and into the hook. Now my hook was magnetized with enough electromagnetic energy to pick up what I needed. I run the hook over the metal fillings as the filings fall towards my hook. Once I get a nice pile on my hook I hold it over the plastic recycling bucket and released a different charge towards the hook. That caused the filings to fall off the hook as it was no longer magnetic.

Now my hook was put away I left my work shop and locked the door behind me. The door had 2 locks to make sure that no one would get in. One lock could only be opened by a key I keep around my neck. The other lock could only be opened by manipulating electromagnetism to an extreme degree and was designed specifically by me. Probably too much security since the door was just a common shed door but still the security made me feel better.

Now I walk into the kitchen from the outside and found mom cooking dinner. Taking a knife and removing shrimp from their shells then coating the meat in butter and pepper. She had a giant tray filled with shrimp coated in her seasoning. The stove had boiling potatoes to be made into mashed potatoes, and a separate pan set aside and filled with cold water to be made into gravy. Mom turned to me as she was cooking and then began to talk.

"Hi sweetie, how was upgrading going? Do your Storm Gauntlets play music now? Or maybe they clean the house?" She asked as she didn't remove her eyes from what she was doing as she finished up the shrimp. The tray full of shrimp I picked it up with one hand and put it in the oven while mom began to wash off her hands. Mom could have put it in herself but I was a lot stronger and had a higher resistance to temperature extremes. Sometimes there were perks to being half angel.

"Mom they're called Lightning Gloves. And they don't play music I just tweaked them so they could store some more electricity making it easier for me to charge up and have better control over smaller things so I don't accidentally electrocute someone when I am trying to give a small shock." I open my hands for a demonstration and my wings instinctively opened up behind me.

Oh yeah my wings. I forgot to mention them. They're about a 20 foot wingspan, and they resemble falcon wings. My feathers are gray, and black with some lighter or darker gray feathers. Most of the time I could fold my wings close to my body and somehow they're not visible to most people. Thankfully that worked so I could go to school and work without people asking too many questions.

Felka and the Saint SerumWhere stories live. Discover now