permenat jetlag ...leave me here

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i was drifting in and out of conciousness everytime i felt as though i shouldnt be awake i returned to my chaotic slumber full of my old thoughts and memories i wish i could forget...

until finally .

i woke up .

i could see almost nothing and could hear nothing either it was like i was trapped in a gaping hole in my own reality.

out of nowhere in paticular i began to feel a small , light tug from the right side of the blanket that was clothing me . A few moments later was a tug from the right of the bed too , then all to quickly was a beam and flash as my eyes where shocked back to reality .

i heard almost silent sobs as the tugging stopped and he was standing at my bedside i sat up and rubbed my throat , as i did my fingers gently traced a silicone tubing running across my face from a nozzle leading into my left cheekbone.

i fell silent and stared at phil as a single tear smuggled its way down his face.

"phil!" i called out to him hoping for a response .

he faded away slowly . he slipped right through my fingertips .

i faced forward as a light filckered on slowly to reveal a small hospital bed directly facing mine at first i thought it was just a mirror but then i noticed, it looked almost exactly symetrical although it had one differnce..

i couldnt see myself there was some one lying there ... just like i had been ..they stirred and sat up

i thought my eyes had decived me ..

it was phil..

why was he in a hospital bed..

there was a small dark and limp figure at his bedside just out of his vision i guess ... it tugged on his blanket as he stared into my eyes with confusion

suddenly the figure dissapeared and in its place stood tall ..


i shed a single tear then disapeared out of sight and out of mind.

phil looked right into my eyes and put his hand out attemping to touch me i pushed my hand toward the end of the bedpan and  felt nothing

i know i would have been within touching distance so i just .. stood up ,painfully slowly i got to my feet phil copied my moves exactly and then ...

 we were standing face to face ... i put my hand towards him expecting to be greeted with the cold misted air that ran in the room insted his hand met mine with a pleasing thud.

we smiled at each other hooking our fingers perfectly ... i grasped his other hand and hokked my fingers over his and he did the same he pulled me closer into a warm embrace ...

then he kissed me ... the room cut to black but i could see phil perfectly as he grabbed me tighter and hooked his arm over my shoulder .

we stopped and stared at each other with the most compassionate gaze i have ever experienced his love gave me chills ... somthing broke the silence a smash from deep within the dark could be heard with a soft vague sweeping footstep sound masking it.

phil held me tighter as my eyes reverted to the corner of the room .

a large but hollow box gleamed in the darkness i lokked up at phil as he slowly began to walk us over towards it ..

one moment he had me in his arms the next i was back in the hospital bed my breath regurgitating my lungs

i heard a cough and a splutter as nurse joys face hovered over mine

"daniel...daniel...are you awake?"

i sat up slowly grasping my neck in pain and weezing from the sudden rush of oxygen to my lungs

i scanned the room for another pair of eyes

he wasnt there ...

"where is he !" i shouted

"shhhhh ...dont panic .. he right outside ... ill go and fetch him "

phew i thought at least he is still here , i felt as though i had been here for days ,


i was awoken by nurse joy ushering me back into dans room ...

he was sitting up on the bed smiling at me , i pulled him into a warm embrace lifting him off the bed

"umh hum " splutted the nuse as i slowly let him down back onto the bed

"well dan is pretty much fully recovered exept for the break in his toe his head wounds have cleared and the scars and brusies on his face have healed over so mr howell if you would like to get dressed and go home feel free to "

i looked at him wonder filling my eyes "thank you nurse " i cried as she slowly shut the door and walked out .

i pulled dan up and grinned in his face he stared longingly at me grinning with delight as i hugged him tighter ... then

i kissed him .

he grabbed my arms and thrust them over his shoulders as he put his arms around my waist .... he forced me onto the bed then lifted his head as his lips slowly curved into a smile ,

" i guess im not the only one who had that dream then dan " i bravley snuck out 

"no your not " dan repiled softly recconecting our lips with lust and want running through each of our bodies.

 once i had realized where i was,we parted lips and gently got up grabbed his bag and threw his clothes on to his bed

"not now dan " i blushed

he smiled, put on his clothes and we left the hospital withut a trace he was even there .

" i love you phil " smiled dan pressing his face into my chest with caution .

"i love you too "

far to young to die ( phan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now