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noen bub

i can explain that picture

wow, that's your way of getting
me back?


oh wait, that tweet wasn't even for
me right?

what? of course it was!

why do you keep texting me

you're the one answering

you're not making it any better

i miss you

you have a girlfriend!

no i dont! that's the thing i d o n t!!!

and what the fuck does
that post look to you?

like a mistake lol

real funny

im serious, can you just please
let me explain it to you?

she's in love with you, don't
play with her or me

and she knows it's unrequited

did you go back to her the
moment you left? wow

that picture is old! i haven't left my
house since i came back

and im supposed to believe that?

you have to

im tired of this chase, too tired

so am i, i just want you to
listen to me

what for? even if you explained it
to me and i listened, she still loves
you, we still wouldn't work out because
you're not even out

and you are? 

i wouldn't mind doing it! but would you?


of course you wouldn't do it, i won't
force you too

noen please

im tired, goodbye chase

cmon please

i just want for you to understand



don't you fucking dare act like
you were the one hurt from the
both of us stop sending sad faces

im allowed to feel sad im a
human you know

and a very stupid one

i know that already! that's why i want
to apologize



what do you think chase will do to gain noen back?

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