Animal Farm

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"You know what I just realized? Lucas and Boxer are the same." WinWin pointed out while we were all eating lunch together, making Yuta laugh.

"Boxer? From Animal Farm?" Johnny asked, and the two nodded for clarification.

"If he's Boxer, who's Clover?"

"You. And Chenji are the ducklings you protect." Yuta claimed, and Kun frowned. I don't remember much from the book in school, but I do remember Clover being the motherly horse while Boxer was the strong, dumb one.

"Ten's Mollie, no doubt about it." Jaehyun added, causing the younger in mention to pick up his head.

"No, Haechan's Mollie and Ten's Napoleon." Johnny countered, and the younger paused before realizing that was a better fit. Mollie was the pretty horse that kept flirting and going about, while Napoleon was the absolute brutal leader.

"Who's Snowball and Squealer then?" Hansol asked, apparently also having read the book in class. Squealer was the pig that told everyone everything was fine, and Snowball was the pig in charge who led a battle before Napoleon forced him off the farm.

"Doyoung's Snowball and Squealer's Jungwoo. Jungwoo would totally be able to tell convincing lies and everyone would believe him." WinWin answered, not needing an explanation for why Doyoung was Snowball because I could see it.

"What are you guys doing?" Doyoung asked, and Jungwoo jumped in to answer the question before one of the older kids could.

"They're matching us with characters from some book. Who's Mark?"

"Definitely Old Major because Mark and Marx are too similar to not compare them." Johnny answered, and for some reason I couldn't remember who that character was.

"Who's Old Major again?"

"The pig that gave all the animals the idea for communism. He died." Kun answered, and Mark let out a sound of protest.

"Taeil hyung is Benjamin. That old donkey that randomly appears just to make some sarcastic comment." Jaehyun decided, making the younger kids laugh even though they didn't quite know who Benjamin was.

"He can't even defend himself since he's at training." I mentioned, and the boys shrugged.

"I think that's the point. Who else do we have left?" Whoever hadn't heard their name mentioned put their hands up at Yuta's question, Mark putting Lucas' hand down for him.

"I meant the book characters, but okay."

"Xiaohenyang are those sheep that keep repeating the same sentence over and over and don't shut up." Johnny pointed out, and the three of them seemed highly offended.

"You're only further proving their point." Ten sassed, and the three of them stopped complaining.

"Jaemin's the cat that's pretty smart but does absolutely nothing, and Jeno's Muriel." It took me a second to remember who Muriel was, but he was the goat that could read. An odd comparison by Hansol, but I think they're running out of characters.

"Hansol hyung's one of the pigs."

"And Katana is a goose because the geese attacked the farmer in that one battle." Johnny added onto Yuta, clearly remembering the multiple times she tried to fight him. I miss her attitude.

"Which leaves Dad, me, Johnny hyung, YuWin and Renjun." Jaehyun named off, and WinWin smirked.

"We're Napoleon's nine dogs." The nine dogs that carried out all of Napoleon's dirty work? Are we thinking about the same dogs?

"There's six of us, and why?"

"Because we'd all do what Ten asks, lets be honest. And we don't have enough people for nine dogs." He reasoned, and he all shrugged. I guess that's pretty much all the characters, well the animal ones at least.

"Ha I get to control you all!" Ten cheered, and Yuta reached behind Xiaojun to smack him on the back of the head.

"Yeah, but you kill like half of us. You're not that great."

"I bet you're the reason Old Major dies." Mark accused with a frown, and WinWin made a sound that told me that wasn't true.

"Old Major's like the only one who dies from natural causes. But we can blame it on him if you really want." Jeno pouted, crossing his arms as he glared at Ten.


If anyone gets this I'm going to be really happy 

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