Chapter 1

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Emily's POV
I looked back at my house as I closed the car door I said good-bye one last time as my dad turned the car on. I connected my air pods to my phone as I pressed play the music was playing. I slowly closed my eyes and I started to remember all the fun times I had with my friends, though I had just a couple of friends they were real friends. God I'm gonna miss those times.
I never was one of the popular kids in my school, I was the ghost that no one really cared about I was never invited to anything, but I was fine with that. My best friend Noah, yes he was too popular but he was the only one who understood me and liked me for who i was.
But now that I started high school and also is on a different state I decided to change my un- social life to a social one. I'm not saying that I'm gonna be a social butterfly, but I'll try  my best to open up my circle of friends.
I open my eyes and my brother was looking at me.
-"are you exited" he said with his happy voice.
-"ofc I am but I'm nervous too you know" I reply.
-"aww sweetie ofc you are gonna be nervous but don't worry you'll make new friends" my mom said looking at me from the front seats.
-"but dad got this new job In Connecticut that is much better than the one he had. Besides I have a friend there, from school, with two kids, one is your age actually I don't know if you remember him his name is mark" she said exited
To be honest I don't remember shit about this mark boy, but if he is my age and his mom is friends with mine well that's a good start.
When we got there it was getting dark  ofc,but I looked at our new house it is definitely more big than the old one.
-" we are here!" Dad said as he opened the door of our new home.
-"Em your room is the last one of the corridor upstairs" my mom said giving me my bags and stuff.
I ran upstairs, through the corridor to the last door I opened it as was amazed of how big this room was and it had my new led lights I ordered!!
I through my bags in the bed and I looked around and I noticed that all my walls where white,but the wall that was on my bed side was all turquoise with a big Black mandala on the middle. It was beautiful.
I opened the window cause I was hot I noticed they my room was facing a room of my neighbor's house it was a bed room all the walls were blue with soccer posters on them all over the room the bed was a queen bed just like mine (though it just showed edge of the bed I could recognize it was a queen bed) looking around the room of next door I came the a conclusion that it was a boy's room.
As I finished unpacking all my bags I ran down stairs as my mom called me, she told me that I should go and take a walk to get to know the neighborhood i nod I went upstairs to get my hoodie cause it was getting cold as the sun had already gone. I went down stairs just as I was about to open the door, the doorbell rang I opened the door it was two kids the girl was like to or three years younger than me and the boy looked my age or one older.
-"hi" a brown haired  girl said, she was holding a basket of muffins.
-"I'm Nicole and this is my older brother Mark" she said.
-"Nicoleee !! I can introduce my self" the boy with blonde hair said  angrily while he was looking at her. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
-"honey who is it?" my mom cane as she said that
-"oh my god!!" She said "you must be the anastasio! You've grown so much!!" "You look just like your father" she said looking at the boy
And you look just like your mother !!" She said exited to the girl
I can tell they where a little ashamed but they were smiling
-"em... my mom said if you wanted to come to diner today before you make some food" said mark putting his hand on the back of his neck.
-"ofc!!" She said tho the kinds
-"oh and I almost forgot my dad baked this muffins on the morning" said Nicole handing the muffins to my mom
-"omg thanks!" My mom said happily
-well I guess see you later" mark said as the walked to the house next door.
Omg  I have to admit that that boy was so cute and he lives next door. And ahhhh.I'm not a crazy boy girl like my friend Danielle back in my home town.
Mark's POV:
God that girl is so gorgeous I thought as I entered my room I sat by my window as I noticed that the room of this girl was right in front of mine gosh and I don't even know her name. I bet that she will go to school and fall for nick like all the girls do I can't compete with him, he has all the girls. Well at least we can be friends I bet she is nice.
I heard a knock on my door I turned around and saw Nicole coming in and sitting on my bed .
-"aghh" she said laying down in MY bed
-"why are you so grumpy?" I asked her
-" tomorrow is the first day of school and I don't wanna go back not after what happens with Stephanie!" She said angrily
I remember that my sister and her best friend had a fight now they don't even talk to each other. GIRLS
-"look" I said sting next to her " you may hate her right now but in time you will forget what happened and you always can make new friends tu are such a social butterfly." I said to her trying to help her cheer up
-"yeah your right" she said siting next to me on the bed
-"I'm glad I could help" I said as mom called us down to put the things in the table.
This is my moment I'll try and be friends with her. The doer bell rang as Nicole gladly opened the door.

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