Beginnings of a new start

Start from the beginning

"When were you put into the system?"

"Around that time." Shinsou replied.

Aizawa mentally noted that down, he had been around six years old.


Shinsou shrugged, "My mom killed herself."

Yamada sucked in a breath, as Aizawa's eyebrow twitched. He had to witness not only one but two suicides?!

"Alright.... so we understand that you stayed with Midoriya until.... eleven? Twelve? Why'd you move out?" Aizawa asked again. Why he was being invested in these two problem children, he didn't know.

Shinsou did some mental calculations, before replying, "My foster families had always been around Izu's area until I was about ten. Then I had to move to the neighbouring city."

Aizawa hissed internally. Three years of separation. That was way too long for these two emotionally damaged kids.

He knew enough already. Most of his speculations had been correct. Shinsou gave the details, but they were just to get a brief timeline of what had happened. He was going to have to ask Midoriya, if he was up to it, but that was enough for now.

"Alright.... but why didn't... you tell anyone about it? About him..... doing.... that...." Aizawa groaned internally. He really did have no tact when dealing with kids.

"He told me not to."

All three adults (yes, including Shuzenji) cursed internally. They truly were problem children.

"Thanks. I think you can go now? Don't you have a curfew?" Aizawa asked.

"I don't think Izu wants me to leave. I don't want to leave either." Shinsou grumbled. Midoriya had latched himself to Shinsou in his sleep again. "If you're going to chase me out...."

"No. We just don't want you to get in trouble with the system." Yamada protested, being surprisingly quiet this whole time, "Do you have a phone?"

"A what now?"

Yamada dug out his mobile phone and showed it to Shinsou, as he watched the boy stare at the device with mild curiosity.

Aizawa wanted to curse again.

He didn't even know what a phone was!? How the heck was the system treating this kid!?

"Shinsou, where do you live currently?"

Shinsou gave him his foster family's address, and Aizawa practically ordered Yamada to get over there to tell them what was happening. He would bring Shinsou back to his current home once Midoriya let go of him.

It took about an hour for Midoriya to let go, and Shinsou reluctantly got up from his seat on the bed to follow Aizawa out of the school.

"Alright. When you get back, pack as much stuff as possible. Not the essentials that you use everyday, but try to keep that to a minimum." Aizawa said.

Shinsou raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Just listen to your teacher, kid."

"You're not my teacher, Eraserhead-sensei."

"You literally called me sensei."



"Nezu, can you bring up anything you can find on Midoriya Izuku? Or just Midoriya in general?" Aizawa asked when he got back to UA.

"Why?" The animal principal grinned, already having his own suspicions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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