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Dear Toshi,

I'm sorry. I'm so useless and worthless.

I can't take it anymore.

Thank you for all the time we spent together. And for writing all those letters to me for the past two years. Those were the best moments of my life, hanging out with you, and reading those silly little jokes.

Thank you for taking care of me all those years. Even though I'm so weak and useless, and I can't stand up for myself, you kept helping me out regardless of what happened. Thank you for believing in me all those times I needed, for not calling me out for being a crybaby, or pushing me away because I was quirkless like everyone else.

Thank you for putting up with me and my silly dreams for so long.

I don't want this.

I don't want to do this.

But it will be better for everyone. I don't want to drag anyone down with me, including you, Toshi. You deserve anything or anyone better than me. You're my hero, Toshi, and I hope that one day, everyone will see you as one too, regardless of your quirk or appearance. You've been trying to protect me, encourage me, ever since we were little. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to learn to be useful enough and you got stuck with a useless Deku like me.

I'm sorry it came to this. I hope you become an awesome hero, Toshi, and be able to save anyone you want.

Please don't blame anyone. I chose to do this, even if I don't really want to. There isn't a way for a quirkless, weak, useless person to be a hero. There just isn't. I should have given up long ago, but I was too naive and kept trying, kept believing in a pipe dream that would never come true.

Please don't tell anyone what I did.

If you don't get the letter, that's fine.

But if you're reading this, at least let me tell you something.

Please, forget about me. Forget you met me, forget everything about me. I don't want you to hurt because of me. No one deserves to get hurt because of me. Just forget about me.

Midoriya Izuku.


The paper was stained with blotches, that made some of the words blurry, but Shinsou was able to read the whole thing through. He wasn't sure if the blotches were made by Midoriya's tears as he wrote the letter, or his own that were starting to form in his eyes.

His heart clenched, it ached for his little brother who was just calling out for help and no one bothered to even help, and even pushed him further down into the pitch black abyss he had been trying so hard to escape from.

Why didn't he notice it earlier?

Midoriya's letters had been a clear indication that everything was spiralling downwards, and he had naively assumed that Midoriya could ignored them and wait it out.

He was a fool to believe so.

Midoriya was still a kid. An emotional kid. He was affected by his own surroundings much more than Shinsou was.

He should have checked on him earlier, bugged his foster parents more, or even just snuck out on his own to seek the green haired boy out, even if it was illegal.

Shinsou ran out of the classroom, his hand tightly clenching the letter.


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