Freedom Chained

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Nezu clapped his paws as he looked at the assembled heroes.

"Alright. We have gotten several leads, and I have triangulated three positions for the villains' base." He nodded, "While we do have quite a few pro heroes, it would be better to strike all three locations at once. We don't know about their communications, so it is possible they may be alerted when communications from one goes down, that why I didn't suggest jamming the communications."

He started handing out pieces of paper to the heroes, "I have divided you all into groups of four, each for a particular base. I have a rough plan written down, but you guys will need to see how things go in the base."


"Tch," Aizawa clicked his tongue. He was in a group with Enji, Yamada and Nishiya. Thirteen, Kamihara, Ectoplasm and Hawks were in another team, and Snipe, Hakamata, Kayama, Kan. He was going to be completely honest. He'd rather be in the same team with anyone else but Enji. He was too volatile, and didn't care about the amount of collateral damage he caused. Not fitting of a hero. He had no idea how he managed to remain as the Number Two hero.

"It can't be that bad, right?" Yamada scratched his head, "Just bust in, beat em, grab info, bust out."

"Shut up." Enji growled, looking as if he wanted to burn his paper but was unable to do so. Aizawa was glad that Nezu like to subtly toy with him and loved using fire resistant paper so Enji couldn't say he "accidentally" burnt it. Nishiya was practically using Yamada and Aizawa as a shield between Enji and himself. He had a wood quirk, and was practically firewood, so Aizawa couldn't really blame him, and he was able to erase quirks, but he found the hero's antics pretty annoying, seeing as he was the Number Six hero.

"Just don't get in my way. Don't blame me if you get burned because you walked into my fire." Enji glowered at Yamada, who just rolled his eyes, but was smart enough to not respond.


Enji burnt down the door, causing an explosion.

"Can't you be more subtle?" Aizawa hissed. His original plan was to sneak in, find information and any possible hostages that the villains might have, before wrecking havoc. Then the flaming piece of shit had to alert practically anyone in the base. They already had a time limit, dammit, and Enji just had to shorten it.

"Split up! Let's go!" Yamada yelled, and the four heroes all split up.

Aizawa ran along the hallway, carefully entering rooms and taking out any unfortunate villains that might be there.

"I got the data room." Nishiya's voice rang out over the ear piece.

Thank god it's him and not Endeavor, Aizawa thought, he would burn the entire room down for no reason.

All the hallways ended up converging into one large hallway, and the four heroes ended up running into each other, before rushing down the larger main hallway.


"Brat, let's go."

Midoriya looked blankly as Controller undid the shackles around his wrist. The collar around his neck weighed him down, but he just stood up and followed him out of the room. That was the usual routine. As long as he did what he was told, he wouldn't be hurt so badly. He analysed heroes, was brought around and forced to fight villains, either as entertainment or just because they had some problems with them. He spoke only when someone asked him a question, either about a certain hero or quirk, and he was answer with the least amount of words possible and be done with it. He never killed anyone, and more often than not the villains had to use the collar around his neck to allow Controller, a new addition to their team, to force him to do things against his will.

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