(Attempted) Healing Process

Start from the beginning

It never showed in his face, but his heart went out to the poor boy.


"How is he?" Aizawa asked. He was with Yamada and Nishiya, who had also apparently gotten slightly attached for them to visit the hospital to check on him.

"He's healing, but it's a lot slower that a regular person. We had to get several doctors with healing quirks just to ensure that he was healing right. Usually, a body would naturally try to recover from its injuries... but in his case.... it seems like his body had given up. It doesn't want to recover." The doctor sighed.

Aizawa bit his lip.

"We managed to heal him up to a hundred percent... but it's his mentality you might want to be worried about. Physically, he's fine now. But if even his body doesn't want to heal subconsciously, I'd say there's something really wrong with him."

Yamada just nodded.

"He had woken up a few hours ago.... according to the nurses, he didn't express any hint of emotion, and answered all their questions. He didn't know where he had gotten most of his scars from, and from the nurses, didn't seem to be in any pain."

Yeah.... he was literally bleeding all over the place and he didn't seem to be in any pain either.

"Ah. One more thing. His vision is still perfectly fine, but one of his eyes is grey, probably from some heat source damaging the pigments in his eye. Other than that, he's doing... alright... I suppose, to put it nicely. He's going to need a lot of help."

Probably the laser. None of them had noticed the eye discolouration, probably because they were preoccupied with other things, like escaping a lockdown. Dammit Endeavor.

"Alright. Thank you."


The three heroes entered the room, and Midoriya turned to look at them from the bed.

"How you doing, kid?" Aizawa asked. It didn't feel right calling him Akatani Mikumo when they all knew that wasn't the child's real name.

"I'm alive."

Aizawa internally sighed. The poor kid's mentally was messed up.

He tried again.

"Are you happy? Sad? Scared?"

Midoriya shook his head.

Yamada scratched his neck. He was wearing his civilian clothing, and Aizawa decided to test the boy on some stuff. He pointed to Yamada, and asked, "Who's that?"

Yamada was about to protest when Midoriya blinked, "Hero name, Present Mic. Real name, Yamada Hizashi."

Aizawa had noticed that Midoriya had rambled off Enji, Nishiya and Yamada's information in the base in a specific order. Hero name, age, height, blood type, rank, quirk, support items, other battle information. How he knew their ages and blood types, he didn't know, but it was pretty impressive that the kid actually knew more about them than Controller. That meant that he was a vital part of their operations, as unwilling, or willing, as he was.

"Look. I've been meaning to ask you. You told Controller everything about Endeavor, Kamui Woods and Present Mic, but not about me. But you clearly knew about me. Why?"

"I did what I was told. You're an underground hero and the less that they know about you, the better." Midoriya said as if that was the stupidest question Aizawa had ever asked, even though his expression never changed the entire time so far.

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