Horror Movie: Fitzonthetele

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A/N It's just a concept I just thought of and thought it was cute, I love these high school besties ok enjoy 🤗

The misfits had decided to go to the cinema to see IT Chapter Two, and Mason had pestered Cam enough to go. All six of them got there early, got their snacks, popcorn, and drinks and found their seats. Matt sat the furthest in with Eric next to him, then Mason, then Jay, then Tobi, and Cam sat right by the door. They're seats were all the way in the back do to being the last seats available. Tobi new far to well that Cam hated anything that had to do with horror, so she kept a close eye on him while still watching the movie. She noticed his anxiety and reluctance beforehand but just let it ride. So far Cam was doing alright, he would occasionally shift and had jumped a few times but he seemed ok. Tobi noticed that he was chewing on his thumbnail and clenching his other fist, she reaches out and places her hand on his gently, getting his attention, silently asking if he's ok, he gives her a slight nod and blushes slightly, thanking god that it was dark in there, before opening his hand silently and bashfully asking for slight comfort from her. She gives a small smile before taking his hand and gently rubbing his knuckles with her thumb. She mouths to him 'you're doing great' before she turns back to the movie.
In the psychiatric ward scene the second the balloon pops Cam flinches violently, his shaking hand that was once in front of his mouth now covering his eyes, his other hand now squeezing Tobi's like if he let go she would disappear, Tobi quickly noticed this and decided she would watch the rest of the movie with Blue later. She turns to Jay and whispers,

"I'm going to the bathroom and then outside to vape for a bit and I'm taking Cam with me." Jay nods and Tobi pulls Cam's hand away from his eyes with her free hand so he can see her and says,

"Come on." In a hushed voice before standing up. Cam stands and they both walk out of the building and sit on the stairs outside of the cinema. Tobi gently rubs his back and shoulders to calm his hysteria.

"Are you okay?" She asks him softly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He replys in a shakey voice as he fiddles with his hands a bit, a habit he does when he's anxious.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Tobi asks not really taking no for an answer.

"You don't have to," Cam starts before he looks at Tobi, seeing the stern, determined look on her face before finishing,

"Yeah," He sighs

"That would be nice." She smiles and nods giving his shoulders a reassuring squeeze. The other four walk out of the cinema chattering about the movie, Tobi stands up

"You guys ready to go?" She askes.

"Yep." They all replied, Tobi dropped them of at Misfits Manor (I know this doesn't exist anymore but it did when the movie came out) and drove to Cam's place. The poor boy was so paranoid about everything, Cam changed into a white tshirt and grey sweatpants and Tobi just threw on one of Cam's misfits hoodies, it was big on her so it was fine to not have on anything underneath. They crawl into bed and Tobi wraps her arms around his shoulders comfortingly as he lays his head on her chest and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Goodnight Tobi." He says squeezing her slightly,

"And thank you."

"You're welcome Cameron." He blushes at how she says his full name instead of just Cam. He turns his face into her, well his, hoodie. She giggles slightly at his bashfulness

"Goodnight." She says quietly and gently kisses his forehead and they fall asleep with small smiles on their faces.

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