Metting Jase

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I walked through the brown door that led into Cat's house. The first thing I  saw was her cream colored walls and her mom's cream colored purse. Everything was just fucking cream! God, don't these people know any other colors?

When you first walk in you see a small reading room to your left and straight in front of you is the kitchen. To the right of the kitchen is the living room and to the left of the kitchen is the dining room.

Cat/Catherine Woods is and will always be my best friend. She always knows what to say to make me feel better. Plus she's always so supportive of me no matter what I'm trying to accomplish. "Cat, are you home," I yelled as I stepped inside. I looked up the flight of " -oh, what do you know, goddamn cream colored steps.

"Yeah, I'm in the living room," I heard her yell. I walked through the kitchen and into the living room to see her cream colored sofa. On the sofa laid two cream colored pillows; one on each side of the couch. She was watching some weird ass cartoon. She turned around and looked at me.

"You ready," I asked her.

She gave me a puzzled look before she answered. "Ready for what?"

"Iceskating. We were going to go today. Remember, we were gonna go to Iceland." Iceland was a skating arena where people could go iceskating whenever. It didn't matter what time of the year it was.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I totally forgot, I'm so sorry. It's just that Jase is back home now. He got back last night and we were going to spend some time with him today."

"Oh, well congrats on your brother. I'll find some other time to go skating then. I'll see you later though." I turned around and and began to walk away to my bike.

"Hey, Connor, you want to do stuff with us?"

"You think he'll mind if you bring some total stranger along?"

"He might, but who cares. You're my guest." She got up and slipped her shoes on. "Mom," she yelled up the stairs. "We're leaving to go see Jase."

"Okay, you guys have fun!" She yelled back. Cat grabbed the keys off the counter and walked out. I followed and we got in her car and drove away.

"Where are we going," I asked her.

"To the movies. I don't know what we are going to see, but we should see something good. My brother doesn't watch shitty movies."

We pulled up to the theater and parked. We stepped out, locked the car, and went inside to see what was playing. Cat's brother was standing at the ticket booth buying his ticket for a movie. Her brother had just come back from a Europe trip with some of his college friends. Jase is a sophomore in college. "Hey Jase," she yelled from across the room. He turned around and started to walk toward us.

"Who's this," He asked, smiling at me. He looked me up and down with his brown eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt that was tight across his biceps. He didn't have huge muscles, but he wasn't exactly a stick either. He also wore black skinny jeans and his black, spotless shoes.

"This is Connor," she said turning and holding her hands out at me.

"Hey, I said feeling a bit awkward as I waved at him.

"Cat, can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Oh, Jase, he's gay don't worry about it. We're not a thing, trust me."

"Yeah," I said. "I don't do pussy, sorry. I'm a dick kinda person," I said with a smile. I looked down slightly as I realized that I probably shouldn't have said it like that.

"I had to make sure that my sister wasn't with some dip shit boy," he said to me. "I gotta look out for her. All these horny guys out there that want to take advantage of her. You know how it is I'm sure. Everyone just wants to get into your pants."

"Actually I'm having a problem with that," I said.

He chuckled at me and replied. "I'm right there with ya."

"I am capable of taking care of myself you know," Cat argued back. He just nodded back. His face disagreed with his answer. "Let's just go watch our movie. What movie are we watching," she asked changing the subject.

"Oh, some comedy movie. It's called The Other Woman."

"I've heard some really great things about that movie," I said back to him. Cat and I walked up to the ticket booth and purchased our tickets. We met Jase inside the theater after we got the popcorn and drinks and he got seats.

We sat down and watch the boring movie credits. Jase was to my left and Cat was to my right. When the movie had started I reached for my drink and my hand touched Jase's. I looked up to his face and whispered an apology. He smiled and whispered back.

Even in the dark, cold theater I could see his beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. There wasn't a blemish on his face. I turned back to the movie screen but I could still feel his enchanting eyes staring at me.

I couldn't concentrate a lot on the movie after that; I was too focused on Jase. I was hoping that I might find some excuse to talk to him, or even look in his direction so that I may look at his flawless face again.

I only found one occasion to look at him again. I sat my arm on the arm rest and purposefully slid my elbow off and hit his. Again I whispered an appology and he whispered back. I loved his eyes, they were so beautiful. They sparkled when the movie screen's light caught them at just the right angle.

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