Chapter 17

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Suicide mention in this chapter

Scarlett's PoV

I had been up all night tending to Evan's wounds. I started to wonder what he got into out there that caused such brutal injuries. He started to wake up and saw me. I didn't bother undressing him cause it was just gonna go back to him no matter what.

"Evan." I said softly.

"Scarlett... I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry. I just... Why did you get reckless out there?"

"I didn't get reckless. Ravi messed me up and I managed to beat her for the exchange of Jaxson's death. That will be the last death she will ever do to the people here."

"Ok... How about you get something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Evan, you literally have't eaten for two weeks now."

"I'll be fine."

"No Evan. I don't fight with you right now. Please get something to eat."

"I said no Scarlett!!! Now leave alone!!!" He said turning around facing away from me.

He's never been this angry before in the past. I guess this war is really messing up his mind right now. I sighed and left the room. I went up and pulled up a chair at the dining room and looked that we started flying. There were no more supernatural things down there. There were woodland spirits, aggressive talking birds, big pythons, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and most importantly a demon. I continue to look out the window at the red sky. Then someone pulled a chair in front of me and it was Skylar.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked.

"Evan blew up and told me to leave him alone." I replied with a tear coming down my face.

"Hey it's okay. He's been through a lot and you've been through a lot. Don't worry about it. You're still his friend. He loves you and everyone else."

"I know. It's just-"

"Don't worry about it Scar Scar. There's nothing to be afraid about."

"I guess you're right," I said looking at her, "Thanks for the support."

She nodded and I smiled.

"So how's the serum going?"

"It's going well. It's been hard to find the formula for it in the books in the library here. It'll inject itself into the demon hopefully turning him back to normal."

"Well great. Can I see it?"

"Sure follow me."

I followed Skylar pass through several rooms before we made it to the experiment room. I walked forward to see tons of notes on the floor and books scattered. The place was a complete mess. Skylar led me to the serum and showed it. The serum was in a small container with a light blue liquid.

"Wow, that's so cool!"

"Yep! That's really all we need to take out a demon."

"Well whose gonna do it to Tony?"

Then the announcements came on to give out news.

"Attention all people. Please come to the main area for a specialized meeting. Thank you."

That was Zoey's voice so she must be in charge. Skylar and I both head to the main area and I realized Skylar had grabbed the serum, but I paid no attention to it. I looked around to see about only 100 people here.

"Alright everyone, this is it. I need a person to take the serum we have made and end this war between us and the supernatural things once and for all." Zoey announced to the crowd.

Everyone looked at each other with scared face and no one was willing to do it.

"I volunteer to do it."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice to see it was Evan. He somehow recovered so fast.

"Alright Evan. Thank you. I hope you can make us proud."

Everyone started to clap for him and he blushed a dark red.

"Ok that's all we have for today. You may return to whatever you guys were doing."

Evan started to return to his room and I suddenly felt bad for him. I may have lost Dayton, but he's lost more people he loved than I do. I hope and pray that he succeeds of freeing Tony from the demon and end this all as soon as possible. I knocked on his door and heard a 'go away!' I ignored him and came into a shocking surprise. Evan had the serum near his arm and it looked like he was going to stab himself with it.

"Evan!! What are you doing?! Do you realize what could possibly happen if you inject that into yourself." I asked.

"Yes, I've done my fair share of research, thank you very much."

His eyes were red and it seemed he had been crying for hours.

"Evan! That serum could possibly kill you. Why are you about to inject yourself with it?"

"It's because I want to go to the other side. Where all my best friends are right now."

"No, Evan. They don't want you to die so young. You're 16, Evan. Is this really a good choice for you to do? We've made it this far and you want to give up already. Remember who you're fighting for. Think about all the lives you will have avenged and saved. Think about Tony. I'm sure he'll be thankful for saving him. I'll leave you alone and give you time to think. I'm sure you will make the right choice in the end. Follow your heart."

I left the room, hoping that Evan will be the one to end this bloody war

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