Part 7

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Sams pov
5 days later*

"What the fuck was that?" I heard Katrina say starling all of us as she came running out of another room
I couldn't talk or feel anything at this point she had beaten me so much my whole body became numb and I'm surprised I'm not dead yet
"What Katrina" I heard Colby say from beside me
"Sirens I heard police sirens" she said and it got silent and for a second I think I heard them to
"Fuck!!" She screamed
"Guys we gotta go" she yelled
"Why" someone responded
"Get your stuff and grab the weapons" she told them
"What about them?" Another one asked
"We have to leave now we're in the middle of nowhere and if there close enough as to where we can hear it then they can probably see the building we'll just have to leave them"
"You sure?" They asked
"Yeah come on" she said
And with that they were all gone and we were left in silence with nothing but the sound of whatever they were leaving in getting further away and the sirens getting slowly closer

I could slowly feel darkness consuming me like I was about to pass out and even through the sirens were getting closer I could hear them getting further away
I heard a bang at the door then nothing else

Colby's pov

I heard a bang coming from a door but I couldn't look up my whole body was tired I felt like I couldn't move even if I wanted to and my hearing is muffled I only just realized that as I heard the police shouting things I couldn't exactly make out
I attempted to move my head to look over to see Brennen running over to us along with the cops and paramedics

Next thing I know all of the rope is off of me and the handcuffs are gone I'm free it's surprisingly easy to stand they try to pull me to a stretcher but I pull away and go over to Sam who's pass out and is beaten up and bloody
It's way worse then the three of us and he has rope marks on his torso, thighs and legs and his wrists are marked from the handcuffs but so are mine Corey's and Jakes
As the paramedics took Sam away I felt myself pass out my eyes were closed and my body was numb but I could still feel and hear everything there taking me out to the ambulance with the other three and I can hear brennen talking to one of the cops

Sams pov

I slowly open my eyes feeling blinded by the bright lights above me I adjust to the light and look around to see someone sitting in a hospital bed to my left he had brown hair and some tattoos from what I could see he was kinda cute he turned his head towards me
"Hi" he said
"Hi?" I said back
"How are you?" He asked me
"Umm who are you?" I asked him
"What!?, what do you mean" he asked as if I was supposed to know 
"Who are you?" I asked him again
"I- I'm your fiancé" he said holding up a ring that matched mine
"N-no I don't- I don't know you" I said
"Sam we've been dating since high school"
"No you- your the one that bullies me everyday I- I wouldn't date you" I said
"No baby I promise that's not me anymore" he said
"No Colby you Corey and Jake always bully me I wouldn't- I wouldn't wanna date you and I- I wouldn't marry you, why am I here"
"We got kidnapped but someone crazy and we got hurt" he said "just please remember I wouldn't hurt you" he started crying
Just as I was about to say something else someone else walked in
"Hey are y'all, Colby what's wrong" he said after he closed the door
"He doesn't remember me" he said "well he remembers but he remembers the bad parts in high school" 
"He doesn't remember you know?" He asked
"Who are you?" I asked
"Umm I'm brennen I've know y'all since high school"
"I don't remember you" I said
He whispered something to Colby and they started talking so I couldn't hear so I just turned my attention towards the tv

Colby's pov

"I don't remember you" I heard Sam say
"Hey look it's probably temporary amnesia" Brennen whispered
"And if it's not" I asked
"Don't think negative" he told me
"But what if doesn't remember me"
"There's things you can do go back to Kansas take him to high school, your old house, your first apartment together he'll remember"
"And look you can ask him" he said as the doctor walked in
"Ask me what?" He said
"He doesn't remember anything" I said
"I told you she hit his head it should come back soon" he said
"If you start to feel pain in your head let someone know" the doctor say to Sam
"As for you, you can go home today but you need to come back for a check up on your stitches in 2 weeks" he said
"Ok thank you" I said as he walked out
"Here" Brennen said handing me my clothes

"So he doesn't remember anything" Corey asked
We had just picked them up from the hospital a little later than I had left
"No they said he can come home tomorrow so I'm gonna book plane tickets to Kansas" I told them
"Why?" Jake asked
"See if I can get him to remember" I told him

Jakes pov

"So I got the tickets for tomorrow" Colby said as I walked out of my room
"Are you sure he should be getting on a plane as soon as he gets out of the hospital" I asked sitting down next to him on the couch
"I asked the doctor he said it was fine" He told me  "I just want him to remember me"
"I know"
"I mean we're supposed to be getting married soon and he doesn't even remember me as his boyfriend just the fucking school bully" I looked over to the table to see a beer sitting on it
"Ok calm down Colby he'll be fine" I said
"No what if he doesn't remember me" he yelled
"Ok how much have you have to drink" I said picking up the bottle seeing that it was empty
"Just a few" he said
"Ok Colby you shouldn't of had any" I told him
"I'm fine"
"Yeah we're you fine freshmen year when me and Corey has to literally fight you and knock you out to get you to calm down or when you went to school drunk and got suspended for fighting a teacher or.."
"Ok I get it I'll stop"
"You can't drink every time something goes wrong ok well get him tomorrow y'all are going to Kansas and he'll be fine" I told him
"Yeah ok I'm gonna go to bed" he said getting up and walking into his room
I got up and walked into my room where Corey was
"You ok?" He asked looking away from the tv
"He was drinking I don't want him to start again" I told him
"He won't but I mean his boyfriend and almost husband only remembers him for bulling him and he's scared of him, just, he'll be fine"
"Ok good night baby" I said
"Good night" I said scooting closer to him

1263 words

Growing up Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ