Part 2

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Colby's pov
A week before they leave*

"Look I'm just saying everything we know is here" Sam yelled
"Ok but I asked you and I told you we wouldn't" I yelled back
"Ok but.."
"No you told me you'd go Sam you knew this was happening" I yelled cutting him off
"Ok but things change"
"What's changes nothing we're in the same place we've been the only difference is we've graduated"
"Ok I just don't wanna go"
"Do you even love me?" I asked him a little calmer
"I don't- Colby" he said
"Do. You. Love me?" I asked again
"Of course"
"Then why don't you wanna go"
"Because" he said not giving an actual reason
"Ok" I said walking towards the door, grabbing my keys and leaving

I drove over to Corey and Jakes
"He doesn't wanna fucking go now" I said after I had walked into Corey and Jakes room with them
"He doesn't wanna go to la?" Jake asked
"Why, he looked excited?" Corey asked
"I don't know" I said and I saw them look at each other
"What?" I asked
"Ask him" Jake said
"I did his answer was because" I said
"Did you asked him or did you yell at him" Jake asked
"I-I might of said it i-in slightly loud voice" I said quietly
"Ok then ask him calmly" he said
"But he was yelling to" I said
"Who started it?" Corey asked
"He did" I said
"Who started yelling?" Corey asked
"He told me he would go we're leaving in a week and now he tells me he doesn't wanna go" I said
"So you started yelling" Jake said
"Look you should probably go back and calmly ask why he doesn't wanna go" Corey said

"Baby" I called out as I entered our apartment
I heard little sniffles coming from our bed room
"Baby" I said again as I walked over to our bed he was sitting facing away from me
I walk over to him and sit next to him
"I thought you left" he said quietly
"No no i just went to go talk to Corey and Jake" I told him wrapping my arm around him and he scooted closer and layed his head on my shoulder
"But without yelling why don't you wanna go anymore?" I asked calmly
"I don't know I'm scared" he said
"Of what?"
"I don't know leaving here"
"What are you leaving behind, you've been living with me almost all of high school" I said
"I know" he said
"Can we go?" I asked "I mean I already payed for everything"
"I don't- yeah" he said
"Wait you don't what?"
"Nothing we leave next week right?" He asked
"Umm y-yeah we leave Tuesday" I said
"Ok" he said and got up walking away

"Are you sure your ok?" I asked Sam for the tenth
We leave for the airport in an hour and he looked like he was about to pass out
"Y-yeah yeah I'm- I'm ok" he said
"Ok" I said turning my attention back to my suitcase to make sure I have everything
I jerked my head up when I heard the bedroom door slam shut
"Baby" I yelled as I got up and ran out the door to see him almost out the front door
"Baby" I said when I got over to him I heard him sniffling so I turned him around keeping my hands on his shoulders
"What's wrong" I ask but instead of answering he tried to get out of my arms
"Stop" he said quietly pushing my arms away so I let go of him and he walked over to the counter where his phone was
"What are you-" I started ask until he shoved his phone into my face I grabbed it and he walked down to sit on the couch
It's a bunch of texts between him and someone else
It was all really creepy
They were talking about the date we were leaving and how were going to La and the last one he just got
'I'll find you La too'
'You can't run from me'
"Sam what is this"
"Katrina" she said simply
"What do you mean she's in jail"
"She got out last week, Brennen told me"
"Is that why you didn't want to go?"
"She said she still find us and hurt us if we leave" he told me
"We'll be ok" I said sitting down next to him
"Colby her dad still lives out there she said she going back out there" he said
"Oh" I said moving over to hug him
"I'm scared Colby" he said into my shoulder
"I know we still gotta to though if we stay here she will to and we're going to a bigger city with more people we'll be better there" I told him trying to calm him down I felt him nodding
"Is everything packed?" I asked him
"Yeah" he said backing out of the hug
I heard my phone ding from the kitchen
"I'll be right back" I said getting up to get him
"Who is it" Sam asked from the couch
"It's Corey and Jake they want to know if they can spend the night so we can all just leave together in the morning" I told him
Sure but we're gonna say by to him anyway before we leave
Ok cool we still wanna come over though
I grabbed my phone and walked into the bedroom with Sam
"They're coming over"
"Ok" he said and got into bed turning on the tv And I got in with him

I heard the door open so I walked out to see Corey and Jake walking in with bags
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey" they said
"We're about to go to sleep y'all can crash in the couch if you want" I said
"Cool" they said jumping on the couch
"What time are we leaving?" Corey asked
"Our plane leaves at 9am so probably around 5" I said
"Ok" he and I started walking towards our room and getting in bed next to an almost asleep Sam
"Good night baby" I said cuddling him
"Good night" he said half asleep

1044 words

So I'm at my dads work and I have nothing else to do so I resort to writing alone on a couch in his office

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