Part 15- The Heel

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"Hey Johnny! I thought you liked to sit in the front because of the leg space

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"Hey Johnny! I thought you liked to sit in the front because of the leg space." Stated Taeil as he saw Flor being squished between Taeyong and Johnny.

"I, uh, wanted to try something new today and let someone else have a turn up front." He rushed to find an excuse.

"I call it!" yelled out Mark from afar.

When they arrived at the airport, a mob of photographers and fans made a large black crowd around the entrance.

"Wow, is it always like this?" said Flor in awe.

Everyone nodded.

"Flor, make sure you stay close okay." Said Taeyong. "Don't look up too much or you're going to have a massive headache because of the flashes."

They all got out of the van and stayed close together as the bodyguards cleared a path between the crowd. Taeyong reached down and grabbed Flor's hand. She almost jerked it away but remembered that it was time to 'perform'. His grasp was firm as the group was herded through the crowd. The experience was over stimulating. Flashes were coming from every direction, photographers were screaming at them, fans were screaming at them, and the bodyguards yelled at all of them.

As they waited in line for the security check, Flor looked up at Johnny. "I think I understand your fear of leaving without a bodyguard now."

Johnny smiled. "Don't tell me you want to quit."

Suddenly, the manager nudged himself between them. Flor rolled her eyes. Maybe she had to ask permission to talk to other members too. She sighed loudly and overdramatically. She looked at the crowd and spotted a fan with a sign that said "Flong" with a giant heart over it. Flor couldn't help but smile and at the same time feel bad. The fan was happy to see them together, she truly believed that they were together because of their own choosing. Flor brought her to Taeyong's attention and they both looked at her and waved.

"Yes good thinking Flor." Whispered the manager.

Flor rolled her eyes again.

They arrived at the Haneda airport and were greeted by another massive crowd

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They arrived at the Haneda airport and were greeted by another massive crowd. Taeyong grabbed Flor's hand again and they were herded through the crowd just like before. Once in the van, they headed to the hotel where a buffet style lunch was waiting for them in a private lobby room. Everyone set their luggage to the side, grabbed a plate, and started to eat. There were several round tables in the room that seated four to a table. Flor saw Johnny already seated and chose the seat next to him.

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