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It's been about a month since Hitoshi turned himself in, he was only able to speak to Worrick twice, once Hitoshi yelling at him for being so stupid, and now, where he explains on why he did so. 

"I just tried to do what was right, for once Worrick. and what do you do?" His lilac eyes bored holes into the older male, who sat across the table, eating his sandwich. He has yet to forgive the man, but he couldn't get too mad since others from the gang decided to turn themselves in as well. There was a total of fifteen that turned themselves in, not counting Hitoshi and Worrick. 

Worrick dropped his food, his eyes meeting Hitoshi, they were filled with mixed emotions, "Son, you're 22 years old. I am about to be sixty soon, my life has been lived while you, you have time to change. Your facing a minimum of two years, at most ten, so even if you get out when you're thirty two, Son, you still have a whole life to look forward to. Plus, how you reacted when you were on the phone with that boy, Hitoshi I've never seen you so happy. Let alone even crack a smile." 

Izuku. The one person who was clouding up his mind ever since he turned himself in. Izuku hasn't spoke to him since that day, and Hitoshi knew that he fucked up majorly. He didn't deserve to have any contact with Izuku, he knew that he shattered his heart. He just couldn't decide if he should have just made him forget, or never even tried in the first place. With the huge mess he's in right now, he wished he had someone other than Worrick to lean on. He wished he had Izuku by his side. But Hitoshi fucked up. Just like he always did, and there's no turning back now. 

He wondered what Izuku was doing at the moment, he was hoping that Izuku wasn't isolating himself. He was hoping that Izuku was out with friends, spending time with his mom, he knew his finals week was in session,he was hoping that he passed them all; he was too smart not to.

"Our trial is Monday," Worrick spoke up, making Hitoshi roll his eyes, "Yeah, I know, they told me."


Hitting the submit button on his last exam of the semester. The loading page was now on the screen, he waited for his results. His hands were clammy, he's barely studied prior to the exam, but he felt as if he already knew everything. But apparently he didn't.


Izuku wasn't as phased as he thought he would be. He received a B on the exam, it wasn't the A that he usually strived for, but he passed. He quickly signed out of the computer, grabbing his bag. He quickly walked up to the professor, bowing before he left the classroom. 

"Izuku!" The greenette's soul nearly left his body, Mirio stood there with his signature big smile on his face. "Are you ready for your first day of work?" he asked, patting Izuku's back as they walked towards the exit. "Everyone is so excited for your return Izuku, seriously! Eri was dropped off by Aizawa earlier, she's excited to see you too." 

A smile appeared on Izuku's face, he hasn't seen her in so long. It was honestly good to see Mirio again. He was excited to finally get out of the house, ever since that day all he's done was lock himself in his room, he didn't even go to work for his mom, which ended up making her hire an employee. 

As they walked out of the college, one of the local shops had a T.V. playing, he bit his lip seeing the headline. 

UPDATE: Dragon's leader, Worrick Hindo as well as his accomplice, Shinsou Hitoshi are set to be on trial  Monday at 9:30 am. 

Midoryia started to pick up his speed, not wanting to hear anything about him. He quickly pushed him to the back of his mind, even if his heart raced, as well shattered seeing his mug shot on the screen. He looks so good, even in the pale green uniform. He shook his head, turning back to Mirio, "So I'm guessing I'm going to start on patrol and ease my way back into the hero field?" he asked, which Mirio nodded,

"Correct! We don't want to overwhelm you your first week back!"

Izuku nodded, looking up at Nighteye's agency, Mirio changed nothing about the building, even keeping the name in respect for his mentor. Izuku quickly changed into his hero uniform, the exeriritating feeling he had the first time he put it on came back, making him grin. "Plus Ultra," he chuckled, raising his hand in the air.

Oh gosh, I don't know how to end this story. I honestly don't, and I know for sure I don't want to make a sequel, ahhhh :((

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