While I was wondering what to do Myron spoke all of a sudden, “Hey… I think this tribal group, especially Adio can help Templar.”

“Why do you think so?” Genessa asked him before me.

“If Patricia had cursed him, then it obviously means Patricia knew about this tribe. If back then they were allies, then surely we can create a friendship between us even now” Myron explained.

“Umm… you forgot the part that Patricia cursed him. It definitely means they were not allies” Genessa pointed out.

“Oh” Myron said in a pained tone, “You are right” he sulked and I growled in frustration.

“I don’t care” I launched angrily. “I am going to meet Adio and ask for his help. I will give him anything he wants in return, if he can help Templar” I stated honestly.

“Guys” Terence said. “We have only six days left. If we think we have a chance, then we should go for it.”

“I agree” Keith said.

“Okay” Myron said. “Anything to help Templar” he said and I cocked an eyebrow because he wasn’t calling Templar princess now. It stopped ever since he met his mate.

“So, when are we leaving?” Genessa asked.

“Tonight” I said and Keith and Terence nodded.

“We are already in GreenRock” Keith informed them.

“What are you doing there?” Myron questioned.

“I just needed to clear my head and coming here really helped” I replied with a smile.

After Genessa cut the call, I leaned back against my seat and closed my eyes. My wolf, who was anxious all these days was surprisingly calm now. It was a good thing. When he is positive about something, then it obviously means, everything is going to be alright.


I don’t know who he is or what exactly he is either, but I knew he could help Templar.

I also knew he might have some grudge against werewolves after getting cursed by Patrica, but I will do everything I can to make him agree to help Templar.

Now all I have to hope is that Adio, indeed can help Templar.


Around five in the afternoon, that Saturday, I was sitting with Sveta and Jan in the living room. Both were surprisingly quiet and I wondered what was wrong.

I didn’t know why Sveta was quiet but Jan… she seemed a little iffy ever since Terence and her were put into the prison cell. My whole body shivered as I thought about it. I wondered how they both lived inside that prison cell.

I couldn’t even think of it and I felt terribly guilty that I had put my best friend there.

The other day Jan had apologized to me for slapping me, but Jan still seemed a little distant whenever she was with me. Maybe she is still angry with me.

I was brought back to the land of living when I heard Luka’s loud hearty cry. “I’ll get him” Sveta groaned.

“Jan?” I called once Sveta was out of my sight. “What’s wrong?” I demanded.

“Nothing” she said and I furrowed my brows.

“It’s not nothing. You seem a little distant from the past two days. Are you still mad that I had agreed to you being impris-”

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