Chapter one

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Chapter Two

I scuffed my way across the grass and slouched in the car. I placed to hands on the wheels and my left foot was by the gear pedel and my right foot was lightly pressed against the speed pedel. The car drove smoothly as I turned corners at about 10 mph. Really slow and I definately know some girls were letting out a few sniggers but I wouldn't let a bunch of lousy girls distract me. Myeyes were fixed on the track as I edged forward trying to keep on the right hand side of the white lines. The track was freshly built and there were no ditches or bumps. I was coming up to a hill and was instructed to speed up to 30mph. Thats alot faster than i was going. My foot lent on the pedel as I went up and over a 20 metre hill. I'm so glad it wasnt too verticle! Tiff and Phoebz were in the back seats of the car, i turned around to lokk at them both and I saw they both had terrified faces and were clutching onto eachother." Concentrate on the road Millie, you haven't finished yet!" Miss Crawly demanded me. I locked my eyes forward as we came up toa junction. I was directed to go give way to the left, nothing came so I was free to turn right into the parking spaces. "Reverse slowly into the middle space and be sure that you're straight." I did just as I was told and I was doing 10 mph again. I pulled the car to a stop with a giant grin on my face. Everyone sighed with relief that we hadn't crashed and i swapped places with Tiff.

Tiff had to drive out the space I'd parked but when she reached the junction there was alot more traffic because there were intructors in every car with the rest of the class. At last it was Phoebz go and I was frightened to death when Tiff didn't give way at a roundabout. She drove round the left not the right! I love her to bits she's so humerous. Phoebz made her way around the track perfectly, she didn't make onemistake and the whole time she was going 30mph. She's definately the bravest out of the three of us. I'm always being clumsy.

The endof the lesson came and we had done 5 hours, finally we were aloud to eat. I walked to the lunch hall with Tiff and phoebz we all got pasta, school rule is you have to have two helpings of healthy food, I chose brocceli and carrot. They're not my favourite but they didn't have peppers or cucumber today.I proberley have them too much they run out! Everyone had settled in their seats when my mum, (oops)  Mrs Wood stood up on the stage to make an announcement. The hall slowly dropped silent when all you could hear was knifes and forks scraping on plates. "Year 9's have worked extremely hard today." Yay that's me, my sister, Meryl, Gave me a dirty look, so I stuck my tongue out at her and she turned round and carried on gossiping to her friends. " This training is all coming up to real missions and we allready have a BIG situation." Her big voice echod in the hall. "I will need three girls, ah, and two boys. If you wish to volounteer please meet me at my office 5PM." I year 8'shand shot up above everyone's heads. " Is this just for year 9's miss?" her fairy voice could be bairly heard compared to mums. " Yes i'm afraid but you might get a chance next year Tianne. Lessons start half an hour late today." Mum's voice boomed past my ears like thunder striking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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