A Fated Encounter

Start from the beginning

Cyborg: "I'm telling you B.B, there's just no way we'll find the guy, no matter how much Robin wants us to." 


Beastboy: "Yeah, tell me about it. He's like a ghost or something," the frustrated Beast Boy responds. "We've almost checked out every single corner of the city and haven't turned up with anything."

More Steps.

Cyborg: "Even though, I doubt he's left yet," Cyborg said, feeling a glimmer of hope.

Too close.

Beastboy: "But... Are you sure he's a good guy Cy? I mean, Raven's words kinda made me feel doubtful-"

Y/n: "Excuse me." 

Beastboy: "Right at you are sir," Beastie politely says, waving his hand to the other side, both of them stepped aside to let him go by.

Cyborg scowls suspiciously, his human eye and the optic roaming over his figure.

Cyborg: "Strange, that guy seems almost... familiar." 

Y/n's brows slightly furrowed; he diverted his hooded eyes over his shoulder upon hearing his words. He simply continues walking at the same pace, intent on leaving them behind without arousing further suspicion.

Beastboy: "Why's that?" He asked with confusion on his face.

Cyborg: "Not sure. If I saw his face I might recognize him."

Beastboy: "Wait... Isn't he kind of like the man?" Beast Boy wonders. "Like when he was with us, he had his jacket with those- full-length gauntlets and was all obscured and we couldn't see a thing about him? Well, except for his jaw."

Cyborg: "Wait a second!" Cyborg exclaims abruptly. "That man has the same traits!"

Oh no...

Beastboy: "You're saying... HEY, WAIT UP!" Beast Boy hollers after him, raising his hand high.

He knew he had been discovered, it was only a matter of time! 

Not wanting to be caught, he immediately runs away from the two Titans. He turned to a corner and went into a building on his left, closing the door quickly and hiding behind the wall. 

He stays immobile until he sees Beast boy and Cyborg run past—

"I hope you have not given up on our city." 

Y/n looks around for the source of the voice. That belongs to a young woman. 

The former emerges from the shadow and his hooded eyes zone in on shiny gold hair; The first thing he notices is the sophisticated armor that she wears, glistened under the dimmed lights almost making it sparkle like the stars in the sky. 

It showed off her shape and acts alluringly. Her breasts were supple enough to be flaunted and used to tease. Her hips had the dangerous curves. She had much to offer. All that packed inside that silver armor.

Her body continues to sway in her confident gait, the sound of heels clicked against the ground, more and more until her front is facing him, just begging for him to notice them.

His eyes rake her entire body up and down, but they had not strayed too long on her cleavage; he glares at her straight in the eyes.

Y/n: "Who are you?" He asks tonelessly, looking slightly alarmed and angry at the sight that greeted him. 

This amused the female and she takes a step closer to him, but he backs away.

"I doubt anyone outside myself wants to know, and none of us are dumb enough to spread rumors outside these walls, right?" She retorted casually.

A Flower that Died (Male Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now