Part 7 8 9 10 the corruption/the deal/by battle/

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Hello, my name is clocwold and I was walking in the woods very quiet but suddenly they caught me and I had to put up with it since it was number 122 and nobody trusted me here I saw that they took you to a place and they gave you some vaccine so that you are corruption So I looked at some friends who had what they were ??? Dragonwolf, ??? He started talking to me and I was more afraid. the vaccine and since ashur was helping me but I didn't know it, clocwolf made dog sounds and a human wanted him but the vaccine when.
Only when I put the necklace on and I was heavy that I was going to be free was a fucking lie I had seen a lot of blood and all that began to cry and ashur also since it could be that they were going to kill me oh that it's corruption kept crying until they put me the vaccine and I was corruption kept crying and that is what happened to me the only thing I say is life finds a way ....

Episode 8

??? and laonwolf crying what happened they escaped from that site but they fought with their powers ??? I use his habality to appear behind but Laonwolf made fire to separate him and the only thing he said is to fuck you know we are fighting for nothing fool for what happened to clocwolf, made fire yet and ??? In a ghostly voice he said What does it matter if it is that now a corruption of the narized what the fuck you think if they kill you no oh what a fucking life you want if a, I take out a stick and kill it sticking in the neck.
Ashur heard a strange sound while talking with wolfly and suddenly some reapers appeared and one said to bring the watch since he said at that moment what wolfly did and ashur took off his watch but he was going to give it a hint that wolfly teleported and they started fighting until I showed him what he did just sigh and ashur said if the same thing happens again because if I give him the clock you understand me wolfly he got it and he sighed and they kicked

Part 9

Dogwill, spokspirit, cronwcat scourwing died for a very strange night ??? He died in peace because of what Zinger did. I look at what happened. And there were only cywolf, luna , zinger, eletricwolf since everyone is watching what was happening and Zinger was not there. There was a moon. He went to see what was happening and Zinger looked at the luna and the only thing that made moon is to run away I was so have questions with ashur and wolfly just wolfly just
Ashur was running to everyone and could see electricwolf and zinger fighting

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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