By second day a guy dead part 2/3/4

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Second day a quiet day but not so much, electricwolf got up and saw many people and did not know what happened, went to see what it was and was the cat that was talking before

The worst thing that always happens was when someone said that some of here is the traitor, electricwolf thought who he had been so he said that everyone gets together, electricwolf: let everyone say your names and we will think who has been





















Electricwolf: well then we are 20 here, then if almost all of us die and 3 oh 2 remain, it will be known each time who will be so we have to watch and if it has been day or night death can happen more times

Zinger: I'm sure I'm not

Leafu: mmmh I don't trust any of those here so I'll watch just in case

Clocwolf: well who knows who I will also be watching

Electricwolf: well, if in 20 days there are only 2 oh more left, you will know each time who is the are

They all turned their feet and thought there would be who it would be these days since someone tried to save the 20 that were left oh rather 19 by the death of the cat

Ashur: and who do we have to save from the wolfly list?

Wolfly: well, we have to help galaxy

Ashur sighed and could see what happens from the clock but helped galaxy at all times and already when it was night because he said

Ashur: Well, that's it

Wolfly: you think that is zinger the bad one oh the traitor

Ashur: it may be that since it seems that we have not helped him with what happens in things oh it is not known what will happen ..

Part 3

It was daytime everyone woke up but heard a scream like a galaxy ... They were all running and saw galaxy on the floor with a scratch in the eye some worried and others sad, electricwolf took out the notebook and with everyone's names tacho to galaxy Ashur and wolfly saw one thing but they were afraid but ashur said

Ashur: I think we haven't succeeded ...

Wolfly, the only thing I think is that the mission was unsuccessful because with what is happening he felt a little afraid Zinger was afraid and ignoring what was happening so he didn't remember

Ashur: and who should we help again ..?

Wolfly said that you have to help freanlun but you don't trust him to die too and the only thing he said was to leave it and have it happen ...

One said it could be fleanlun but he said it wasn't the other but they said it could be if the one said to sacrifice him but others to die so he felt more fear so they grabbed him and gave him a vaccine to sacrifice him so fleanlun I close my eyes and stop breathing

Electricwolf felt more fear than I thought and crossed out fleanlun and sighed, saying elsewhere with the most fear that ever happened and I think if I was a detective so I had an idea and put on a detective hat, detective glasses although she already has glasses and a detective jacket and the only thing I think is that she can be number 2 to be the only one to by free

Part 4

Suddenly another sound was heard and it was crywolf who died for a snake oh that the traitor threw the snake and died there is as if the rage came but others with more fear and eletrciwolf crossed out the name and the only thing he did was sigh and look everyone thinking who can it be so he said what would happen if we were all up all night and who is

It was night with the lights on everyone was in their rooms and suddenly kidwolf heard a sound at his door since everyone was on video call with his cell phone oh tablet and showing his face so the willkiwi camera went off and only heard one letter Z! And it is not known what happened so electricwolf went to his room and saw that he was on the floor with a knife in his neck and just crossed out his name and electricwolf showed with his cell phone what happened

Others were more afraid .......

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