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Being at the Ivy spy school in plymouth is hard work. You have early mornings and it's really hard to keep such a big secret from your non-spy friends. The Ivy spy school allows both male and female. However our classes are seperate, so boys do other things to girls. I have lots of friends (boys) I only have 2 friends that are girls, Tiff and Phoebs, They're my best mates. The School rules are extremely strict and cruel, you're not aloud phones from 9AM to 6PM That's almost the whole day. My mum is the headteacher and I am really embaressed when she tells of my FRIENDS! I'm lucky in a way because the other students only see their family in the summer holidays (6 weeks) and christmas (one week) they also get two days befor and after new year, including new year. I stay at school with my mum and still do regular training. Sometimes my friends invite me round, i'm usually aloud round so long as i've done at least 5 hours of training, so I have to get up uber early.

" Todays lesson is going to be target, you will do your fisrt practice with an bow and arrow, be careful. Millie you're up first." Miss Dench is our target teacher we have her once every week for 2hours(9AM till 11AM) I hate going first, she always picks me I could hardly grip the bow I was so nervouse. I pulled back the arrow. Bullseye! Wow. That's the best i have ever done! Mum will be so proud, I think it's my first bullseye. I did work really hard on target over the summer, while all my friends went on holidays. All hard work pays off.It came to my secong go, but a slight change of weapon. Miss Dench handed me a loaded gun!! I'm not quite sure this is a great idea, i'm very clumsy at times. " Now then class as you can see Millie has now earned a gun because she got a bullseye. Watch carefully." Miss Dench shot a silver bullet on a target and got in the middle of the bullseye. " Now Millie is going to have a go, step behind the yellow line girls!" Miss Dench was actually trusting me with a gun, what if it all went terribly wrong. My fingers and body were positioned, I let go of the trigure...

I had earned another bullseye! What could the next weapon possibly be. Most of the girls moved onto the gun and I jumped everytime they hit the target. Eventhough I had soundproof earphones on, I could still hear every whisper." Well done girls you have all had a chance to use the gun! Great work. Now you're all onto the next weapon. A Knife,you have to throw the knife towards the target like I will demonstrate to you now." The knife slid out of her had. The light caught the shiny silver bladeas it twiddled gracefully in the air. Suprisingly (not) Miss Dench got yet another bullseye. I figured I was first again so I stood up next to the white shooting line. I gripped the knife in my right hand and let it fly towards the target. I was just outside getting a bullseye, but I'm still really pleased with my result. No one got a bullseye with the knife because when it spins in the air it changes direction.

Two hours eventually went passed as she read out the notes she jotted down about our shooting. "That's it for today girls, next week we are using the same sytem but with several moving targets. Try get some practice in before Tuesday." I walked with Phoebz and Tiff to our next lesson, general use on the field. We had a 5 minute interval until we started a 3 hour lesson. I ate some of my chocolate cake i made with Phoebz at the weekend (at 4 AM before lessons) We did get caught out for not clearing up our mess. The chocolate cake included; chocolate icing,chocolate chips, chocolate gratings and delicouse chocolate spounge cake. Extremely chocolatey! " Gather in girls. Today is a very important day for you. You're learning how to drive. We'll go through all the distractions and rules. Lets head over the the track." I can't believe we're learning to drive! She's right today is important. First targets and now driving, yikes.We must be a very special class to teach unlike the year8's. They're a nightmare. Trust me my little sister is in year8. I'm a year older than her so I can take control. "Ladies, this extra hard training will be building up to a extremely important mission so we must get this done. Who's up first?"  Girls voices echod the word meee! Only my voice his from the instuctor blanking the fact I'll have to do it at some point. What do you expect, the teacher picked me because I wasn't enthusiastic, tipicall.

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