VIII. The martial court

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that the intersection?" asked a confused and scared Sobel to Tipper, trying to find the way. "No, sir, It's here. You're a full grid off." "Goddamnit". through the silence, a voice was heard coming from the Privates.

"Is there a problem, Captain Sobel?"
"Who said that? Who broke the silent" Shouted the Captain.
"I think it's major Horton, sir" Tipper was trying so hard to contain his laughter, he obviously knew it was Luz.
"What is he....? Did he join us? Maybe he is moving between the platoons.

"What s the goddamn holdup, Mr Sobel?" Shouted Luz making his best impression of Horton, everyone around him was trying not to laugh.
"A fence, Sir, a... God!....a Barbed wired fence"He was sweating, he didn't know how to react, he wasn't supposed to be there.
"Now, you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move!" George was laughing so hard, Sobel was so scared.
"Yes, Sir. , Where are my wire cutter?"

Winters was livid, she could feel his anger at the man that was supposed to guide them lead them into a place of no return for many.
Richard tried to maintain his composure, he was going to end the mission with or without the help of Sobel's platoon.
"We have to move, lay down fire to cut the road in all direction, go right with 1st squad, tell the 2nd to go left I'll be centre with the 3rd" he commanded at Lipton, "Even without Sobel, sir." "Yeas, and now go".

they started the manoeuvre and it was successful, they had no deaths and they found their objective.
As the 2nd platoon was ready to leave and go reporting the events, Sobel arrived with the first, he looked shocked and angry at the same time. He stared at Winters with rage in his eyes, Richard just looked at him with a look of disappointment and anger, "I'm going to report the events, sir." Dick said not looking away from his Captain, Sobel stared down at his feet obviously embarrassed by the situation, he didn't want to let the other notice that though. He coughed looking back at the redheaded man in front of him. *Cough* *Cough* "Yes go ahead, I'll come right after you.". And just like that, they went away. Richard looked at her for a moment admiring the way you were laughing at something Luz was saying to you, it was just a brief moment, but it was enough for let his heart skip a beat.

The day after, Nixon, Richard and Isabelle were walking through the street just talking when suddenly a car stopped in in front of them, a Private jumped off.
"Lt. Winters, with Cpt. Sobel's compliments, sir. Lieutenant." He gave Dick a letter and just as fast as he came he went away. Isabelle and Lew were watching intensively as Richard opened the letter, after a moment they started reading. "Oh, for crying out loud!" She looked at Nix as he yelled. "He mispelled court-martial".

Richard was talking with Sobel, he was going to accept the trial, obviously, Nixon was going to help him with the legal part and she was there for the emotional one.
Isabelle knew Richard Winters, you can say that she knew every inch of his soul, she could recognize when he was happy, sad, angry... the emotion he felt right there was different, he felt betrayed and most of all impotent. He couldn't do anything, he couldn't answer Sobel's harassments. SO as he stormed off Sobel office, she ran after him, she was going to help him. She was on her best form, as I said before, but she cared deeply for him, maybe too deeply.
"Dick!" she called, he didn't answer he was so absorbed in his thoughts.
"Richard!" she yelled trying to reach him, but no answer was herd.
"Richard Davis Winters!" finally hearing her voice he stopped, turned his head and looked at her. "Hey, tell me how did it go?", how could he answer something like that, he himself didn't know how it went, he just wanted to go away and stay alone for some time, but he didn't think that she wasn't going to let him do something like that.

"It was ok, I told him I agreed to the trial and that's all."He answered starting to walk again. She followed him, not satisfied with his answer. "Are you sure it went ok?" She was basically running at this point trying to catch up with the tall man. "Yes, yes, don't worry," he asked not convincing even himself.

"Are you sure you're ok?" "Yes Isabelle, I'm fine" he replied stopping his feet and looking directly in her eyes. "Now if you would excuse me I would love some time alone.", his tone was harsh, he was angry he just wanted to go lay down. She just looked at him, they were in front of the house he was staying. She just watched as he opened the door and walked in not sure of what to do.

She stayed there motionless, staring at the door in front of her as a gentle breeze caused her to flinch at the sudden change of temperature. She could've done more, she Should've done more.

But that was no time to regrets, because the next day, some of Easy company's men were going to step up for Winters, but most importantly they were not going to accept Sobel as their leader.

So, thanks to all the people who are reading my story, I really appreciate that I hope you all like it, I-m not sure I will be able to publish as many chapters as I want as fast as I would like, but I tried my best. If you have any suggestion or maybe questions, or if you found any mistakes feel free to let me now I will be happy to reply.

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