Seperating Myself From The Ones That I Love The Most. Getting Drunk,Etc

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=Long Chapter Ahead!=

I walked down the hall of the arena, Feeling the tears slide rapidly down my face, I spent all night thinking about how Shawn and the gang reminded me of my dad and family, I'm not gonna lie, It freaked me out, Whenever I get close to people the end up always leaving me, All my friends did when I was In school, They thought I was a weirdo, They bullied me and that's when my five best friends left me, They said they couldn't handle being friends with a loser like me, My dad left me, I can't handle going through another heartbreak, That's why I've chosen to talk to Stephanie, She's like the nice mum I never had, Not like I've told her.
I knocked on her office door,
"Come In!" She yelled, I smiled slightly and walked In, She looked at me and first smiled before she noticed the tears on my face,
"Jade,Hunny,What's wrong?" She asked concerned sitting next to me on the couch, I sniffled,
"I-I can't do this anymore Steph" I whispered looking up at her, She wiped away my hair,
"Do what?" She said softly, I cleared my throat and wiped away my tears,Be strong,
"Tell Vince that I want out of dx" I said emotionless, She looked at me shocked,
"Jade, W-what are you saying?" She whispered, I stood up,
"Heel Turn, Well not fully, I can't take being this close to everyone, I need to be by myself" I explained, I knew she could see through my lies, But to my surprise she nodded and stood up,
"Okay, I'll speak with dad, I'm always here If you want to talk" She said, I smiled and nodded, I turned around and walked out the door, Feeling the tears build up, I ran Into the nearest closet and bawled my eyes out.

Stephanie's Pov:
"Hey Dad" I greeted pulling away from the hug,
"Hey Princess, What did you want to talk about?" He asked standing before me,
"Uh Jade came to me today saying that she wanted out of dx and wanted to be alone for awhile" I explained, A mixture of emotions past through his eyes,Shock,Sadness,Happiness but one stood out the most,Excitement,
"Right, I'll talk to her" He said breaking me out of my thoughts, I nodded and made my way to my husbands lockeroom, I knocked and walked In,
"Hey beautiful, What do I owe this spontaneous visit for?" He asked grinning at me,
"Has Jade seem a bit off?" I asked getting right to It, He looked at me and shook his head,
"No why" He asked stepping towards me, Uh oh,
"Um no reason, I'll see you later" I said quickly and walking out, Great, Notice the sarcasm, He has no Idea what dad has In store, I sighed and continued to walk down the halls.

Hunter's Pov:
I'm so confused.
What did she mean.
I've got to talk to the gang.
I quickly walked down the hallway and Into catering, I found them all chatting away,
"Hey Hunt! Why so serious?" Shawn asked looking at me confused, I sat down next to him and ushered everyone In,
"I had the weirdest conversation with Steph today" I said and explained what happened *Flashback sequence*
"Woah, What do you think she meant?" John asked, I groaned,
"I don't know! That's what's frustrating! Has she seemed off?" I asked no one In particular,
"Well apart from her nightmares, Not that I've noticed" Rose exclaimed, Everyone agreed,
"Should we ask?" Matt asked, I nodded,
"I think It would be best" I replied.

So I don't think we thought this through, It's like we're bombarding her, We all walked Into our lockeroom to see her no where,
"Jade?" I yelled getting a reply of silence,
"Guys, Her stuff Is gone" Punk exclaimed, I looked at Shawn and nodded,
"Okay let's split up, If you find her just talk to her, see what's up and report back, Break!" I explained, Everyone nodded and went to find Jade.

Jeff's Pov:
Maria and I have been looking for almost 2 hours, Oh yeah Ari and I are dating now, Yeah that's my nickname for her, Cute right, Ari stopped making me bump Into her,
"Wha-" She covered my mouth, I heard faint sobbing, Ari and I walked towards the closet and looked at each other before opening It to reveal Jade, Ari immediately bent down and hugged her, I closed the door behind me and looked around, For a closet It's pretty massive,
"J, Please tell us what's wrong" Ari asked, Jade looked up, Tears clouding her usually sparkling eyes,
"I can't do this" She whispered, Sniffling and standing up,
"Wait do what?" I asked grabbing her arm lightly, Making her flinch, I looked down her arm to see a whole lot of bracelets, Before I could react she pulled her arm away,
"I can't be this close to you guys anymore, I can't that's why I'm leaving dx, Apparently I'm joining some other faction" She explained facing the door,
"What..." I barely said, She turned around suddenly, Tears brimming her eyes, I looked deep Into her eyes to see pain and more pain,
"Please tell them I'm sorry" She whispered, We nodded unable to say anything, She slowly nodded and walked put the door, I looked at Ari and held my hands up.

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