Chapter 1

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I wake up to my alarm the beep slowly fadding from how old the clock is. I need a new one fast I cant afford to be late. I shake my little sister to wake up, she just shifts.

"Bubba its to early." she whines.

"I'm sorry Lisa but we cant be late again people will ask questions." I said.

"Okay." she got up and grabbed the clothes I had ready for her.

"Can you braid my hair Javier, like you did yesterday." she asked with a pouty face. I groaned and obeyed knowing a fit would come after if I said no. I quickly got ready and folded our covers on our old single mattress that laid on the floor. I got our bags and walked with Lisa hand in hand to the bus stop. I saw the red lights from the bus and ran with Lisa's little legs trying to keep up. I breathed fast out of breath and the bus driver scolded me.

"You got lucky but a little earlier next time." she warned. My grandma works in the mornings so if we miss the bus, we have to either walk or skip. We've had to walk a few times but the distance is to tiring for Lisa so she always ends up on my back. We arrived at the school and sat down to eat breakfast I hadn't eaten since last school meal I got. Lisa was still hungry so I gave her my dinner last night. The breakfast foods might be bad here but it will do. I ate quickly before the last bell rang. I finished scarfing down my breakfast and walked to my locker getting my books.

"Hey Javier, you coming to football practice after school?" Daniel asked.

"Ill try man." I told him. I can't really go all the time cause I have nobody to watch Lisa sometimes she sits in the stands, and does her homework while I practice, but I don't like that cause its too hot for her, and the boys give me hell about it in the locker room. Maybe there just playing, but if they new what I had to go through with my little sister they would shut up.

"Your good at it you should come more often instead of getting benched its your junior year, and their scouts looking." he stated, being picked up would be the best thing that ever happened to me, I could get a scholarship, get a good job and help my grandma. I'm going, I don't give a shit what they say.

"Ill go but Lisa is coming too." I shut my locker door and went to my classroom. I hated first period there is always that girl who just has to make fun of the way I look everyday.

"Javier." its her...

"Why do you have a hole in your shirt." she asked typing on her iPhone. I rolled my eyes and thought of an excuse.

"We were playing rough, and my shirt got hooked on a stick on the ground."

"then get a new shirt." she mocked. If I could I would, but in reality I can't I'm stuck with this shirt till I can get a decent pay check to get me one. Normally I like buying Lisa new things, even if its from our local thrift store. I shook my head.

"Does it bother you that bad Lilly?" Carmen asked Lilly. Lilly was a pretty girl, Short blonde hair and blue eyes, but her personality just makes her look snobby and stuck up. Then there was Carmen brown hair, light brown eyes. She was beautiful, and she didn't care how I looked or if I wore the same pants two days in a row. She still talked to me every day in the classes I had her in, and my favorite part about her was that everyday she asked about Lisa.

"Hi Javier." She smiled and waved at me.

"Carmen. why do you talk to him." her friend asked.

"He is cute." she whispered back.

"He is a poor, trashy wanna be jock."

"What does it matter? He is nice. and he isn't a wanna be cause if I recall he takes your boyfriends spot on the field and plays it way better, he actually gets us touch downs!" she whisper yelled back. I smiled. That's a keeper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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