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Two months ago, Senator Montez addresses a crowd about how dangerous mutants are. He says they need more mutant laws. He leaves the crowd and talks to his campaign manger. Esme works him, she goes by Stacy. She asks if he can sit in on his meeting with Trask. He agrees as long as quite. Esme hears voices in her head. They are telling her to get out because Sentinel Services knows they are there. Montez gets a call from Sentinel Services that mutants tried to infiltrate his campaign. He says they made some arrests. Esme runs through the crowd to escape Sentinel Services. The voices tells her to find them.

Lorna/Polaris tells the group that they need to hit Sentinel Services to get their people back. Reed and Caitlin says it's too dangerous. John stops, saying Sentinel Services took their people. Polaris says it's only a matter of time before Dr. Roderick Campbell turns them all into hounds. She's ready to strike now. Reed thinks they can get everyone by using the system. Marcos reminds them they are in this together. He suggests sending scouts to Sentinel Services and Trasks to find their people. John agrees. They will also check with their police contacts. He tells them to remember that they are all on the same side.

Andy and Lauren are in holding at Sentinel Services. Andy is getting agitated by the whole situation. Lauren tries to calm him down. He gets shocked when his powers set off. He asks what happens next. Lauren says they have to be charged. He tells her that he's scared. He feels bad for stopping them when they got captured. Lauren says he was right to let go. He saved innocent people. But who will save them?

Sonia/Dreamer is being questioned by Agent Jace Turner. He tells her the last time they met, she scrambled his brain. He didn't remember losing his daughter and had to relive it. Dreamer apologizes for putting him through that. Turner doesn't accept her apology. He wants her to pay. It's personal for him. He says he's going to put her into the hound program.

Agent Weeks is questioning Clarice. Turner observes from the outside. Clarice is uncooperative and defiant. Weeks says he will make a deal with her, but she refuses. Turner calls Roderick Campbell to let him know that he will transfer Dreamer and Clarice to him. Campbell wants the Strucker children. They had a deal for all of Turner's prisoners. Turner agrees to give up Andy and Lauren.

Esme eavesdrops on Reed and Caitlin. They are discussing who they can talk to help them get Andy and Lauren back. They want to do this the right way but using the legal system that Reed knows well. Esme looks into Reed's memories. She interrupts them and says she thinks its a good idea to talk to Agent Turner. She says Turner may be the only one who can remove the mutants from the lab. Caitlin says they will go to prison. Esme says its better than being pumped full of drugs and turned into Campbell's pets. She says their children in the wrong hands could change everything.

Polaris is worried about Dreamer. Marcos says they are working on the situation. He says not to be hard on the Struckers. They came from that world they still believe in it. Their kids are in the lab. Polaris says she is thinking about their kid and the world they are bringing it into. It's not fair.

Dreamer wonders about Lauren and Andy. Clarice says she hopes they are okay. Dreamer talks about volunteering at a shelter for battered women. She says she would use her powers on those women to make them forget the bad stuff. She wishes she could make them all forget what they are going through. Clarice tells her not to think like that. She says her fear almost got her killed. She got out though. Dreamer says it feels different. Clarice reminds her that John loves her. He will figure something out. They just need to hang on.

Caitlin and Reed make a plan to sneak away so they can talk to Turner. The mutants don't want them talking to anyone. Caitlin asks how they get to Turner without getting arrested. Reed says he has Turner's home address. Caitlin agrees to that plan. Esme overhears their plan and looks satisfied with what she heard.

The Gifted Season 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang