A Day in the Life of...

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After making some arrangements Naruto headed towards his new compound, looking at the area he decided he would have to have it be a large above ground structure but most of the compound would be underground, the only problem with such an endeavor would be that the evacuation tunnels and the Root tunnels nearly made the underground of konoha impassable, but nearly is the key word there.
The area bought by Naruto had construction workers coming in droves, much to the hyuuga and uchihas ire, and it was about to be shown.
Hiashi Hyuuga heard loud yelling and banging, interupting his meditation time, 'calm yourself Hiashi its only construction' he chided himself, however as the loud banging got closer and closer trying to meditate drove him mad, he angrily stormed over to his new neighbors to complain.
   "Who gave you permission to work on this land!?" Hiashi boomed, most knowing his face as an extremely influential clan leader couldnt even look him in the eyes, choosing to instead work on their given tasks, Hiashi was well above their pay grade.
The foreman on site walked up to him with a thick cigar in his mouth, he was a large man almost seven feet in height and had arms the size of Hiashi's torso. The large man took the cigar in his hand and blew out a large cloud of smoke. "Aye be the Foreman of this 'ere site what complaint have you?"
Looking at the large man sent chills down Hiashi's back, but he was no coward. "Who gave you permission to work on this land? The deed for the land..."
The man pulled a rolled up piece of paper from a nearby bag and handed it to Hiashi. Looking over the contents he realised he would have to go to the kage if he wanted to figure out who bought the land. "I... I see, thank you for your time then Foreman-san ill be on my way then."
The Foreman scoffed and got back to work, placing the paper back in the bag and leaving Hiashi to his own devices.
After telling the elders he was going out for a few hours he left to go see the kage, he was frustrated before, but now he was curious, that land had been considered a no mans land since the village was founded as nobody dared to build anything next to the Hyuuga, and especially the Uchiha, who had their own district, just who had the gall to risk the ire of two of the Royal Clans of Konoha?

Upon arriving at the kage building he saw the secretary and smiled, "excuse me miss, I was hoping to see the Hokage is he free at the moment?"
She looked at a schedule, "Do you have an appointment?"
    "No." She sighed, "Buisness or casual?" "Buisness." "Estimated time?" "A few minutes. I believe, should be no more than ten."
"Fill out the rest of this form and then you can go see him." She handed him a clipboard with a piece of paper on it and a pen. It was a visitors form. After completing it he went upstairs to the kages office and knocked.
"Come in." Hiashi opened the door and saw three Hiruzens and a surprisinly low amount of paperwork.
"Whats with the shadow clones?" Hiruzen beamed, "Ive been... Guided to the realization that i can use shadow clones to complete my paperwork, while i can rest, definitely makes this job easier." He chuckled "Anyways Hiashi, Julia said you had buisnsss for me, the council meeting isnt until saturday so what brings you here?"
"Ah yes, i nearly forgot. Id like to know who the someone that has recently purchased the land beside the Hyuuga and Uchiha compounds is. Would you be able to enlighten me as to whomst the fool that did so is?" "I'd love to Hiashi, but i must know what you plan to do with the knowledge of who it is?"
'Clearly the Hokage was protecting someone but who could it be?' Thought Hiashi, the curiosity driving him mad.
"I wish to discuss an agreement with them. Banging all hours of the day is grinding on the meditation hour of the Hyuuga, id like to see the workers stop during that time."
The old man had a soft smile on his face, "I'm not going to ask them to stop Hiashi, not only do i no longer have the deed, i also have minimal control over civilians, you know this well by now."
Hiashi huffed, "Could you at least point me in the direction of the person who owns it so i can ask them to stop?" Hiruzen shook his head.
"I dont want you to get in the way of that projects owner, in the near future that building will be a great boon to our military." The Hokage sighed, " I'll tell you who it is under my circumstances. You can not use your influence or power against them, and i must be present for all your interactions with them."
Clearly it was someone the kage was going to lengths to protect.
"I agree to your terms."
"I know youve been listening, im not going that senile Naruto."
The blonde haired child crawled through the window, "Guess i couldnt pull one over on you this time gramps."

Hiashi had never been in auch a shock in his entire life, his immediate response was, "youre kidding me right?"
"Oh no, Dead serious in fact. Naruto-kun here is definitely a genius that makes other geniuses look like commoners, he recently helped me with a national security threat, but i digress, what do you have to say to Naruto?"
"Is there any possibility that your men can stop workinh between the hours of 12 and 1 in the afternoon?"
The boy pulled out a notebook, that should be fine Hiashi, however im gonna need one of two things from you in return, either a finger, ill patch it up to heal completely in a week of course, or you can pay their wages for that hour of not working, and as i hired the best of the best from around the land of fire."
"I thought only a medic of Tsunade-Samas caliber could regenerate body parts?"
"I can but I use seals to form the delicate chakra as medical chakra for me is more fickle to use properly than trying to use a rock to cut down a tree."
"Ah i see, an Uzumaki would make good use of seals, i abide by your terms."
Naruto pulled a cleaver almost out of this air and chuckled darkly, "so Hiashi money or finger?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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