"Tch. Lovesick princes," she muttered to herself, "but, he could be useful. I could use him to get the throne. But how to get rid of his brother..." she thought for a moment. "I'll have to decide later. For now, I'll play the clueless damsel, and get him to marry me." She chuckled to herself before riding off to the castle.

Once Thor stumbled into the throne room where people were starting to gather, a priest ushered him to a room off to the side of it.

"Please wait here until the ceremony begins, your majesty," he said gently. Thor nodded, and the priest closed the door. The prince then turned around, seeing yet another sight of pure beauty today. His brother was standing there, hands folded gracefully, dressed in beautiful royal clothing. He had a dark blue vest with a black shirt underneath, decorated with a floral design in the center. It was trimmed with gold, and he wore black pants to accentuate it, along with the boots he normally wore quite often. His long black hair was tied up into a neat bun, and of course, he wore satin gloves. Thor never understood why he wore the gloves, but didn't see a problem, so he never questioned it. Loki's lips curved into a small smile when he saw his older brother, his green eyes shining.

"Hello, Thor," he said, breaking the prince from his thoughts.

"Uhm... hi," Thor responded awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He hadn't seen his little brother in years, and it had never seemed this hard to speak with him. It was like he was talking to a stranger, and Thor's heart beat in a way that he had never felt when he looked at the future king. He brushed it off as nerves, but a gut feeling told him it was something else to look into later.

"You know, I'm the one who's supposed to be nervous," Loki spoke again, stepping closer to his brother, "It is my coronation day after all."

"I know," Thor responded, looking away as he felt a growing warmth on his face, "And I am so very proud of you, my brother." Loki put his fingers under Thor's chin, turning his face back towards him. For the first time in years, Thor finally got a good look into those beautiful green eyes, and he felt his heart thump oddly again.

"I am so sorry, Thor," Loki said, keeping his eyes locked onto his brother's, "for everything I've ever done. For everything I've kept from you. I wanted us to live happily, together forever. But we couldn't, for reasons I still cannot say." He smiled, his eyes glistening with tears, which Thor desperately wanted to wipe away. "I hope we can start over. Will you be my brother again?" Thor didn't know what to say. He didn't even think he could speak. He was overjoyed beyond words that his brother wanted to start again with him. Finally, he found the breath to speak.

"Yes, Loki. I will be your brother again." He then pulled his brother into an unexpected hug, surprising him. At first, Loki didn't hug him back and Thor began to worry if he had made a mistake. Had he gone too far too soon? He kept his arms around him though, deciding that even if Loki didn't want the hug, he would give the comfort anyway. He felt Loki's arms wrap around him after a moment, however, and once again felt that strange feeling in his chest. He closed his eyes and hugged Loki tighter, but after a moment began to feel his brother shaking.

"Loki? Are you alright?" he asked softly, pulling away to see tears in the prince's eyes. He put a hand to his face, using his thumb to gently wipe the tears away. Loki looked at Thor again, a look of surprise in his emerald eyes. Thor smiled, and Loki's face tinted the slightest shade of pink, barely visible in the dim candlelight. He was about to say something, when they heard a trumpet sound from outside, and the priest started speaking to the crowd.

"It seems it is time," Loki said, placing his hand over Thor's, which was still resting on his cheek.

"Yes. Good luck brother," Thor said, exiting the room as the priest announced him.

"And now," he heard the voice say from the other side of the door, "Prince Thor shall stand by his brother's side as he is made king." that drew applause from the crowd, Thor taking his place on the altar, smiling and waving. He spotted Jane in the crowd and waved to her, and she smiled warmly at him. "And now I am proud to introduce the second prince of Asgard, Prince Loki." more applause was heard as Loki stepped out, his gloved hands folded gracefully in front of him as he walked elegantly to stand in front of the priest. Thor caught a glance at Jane, who was staring at Loki with narrowed eyes. Her hands did not clap for him, but gripped her songbook so hard that it wrinkled. Thor was quite confused, but didn't have time to think about it as the ceremony began. The priest took a small crown from the table behind him, and Loki bowed for him to place it on his head. It fit snugly into his black curls, and as he rose to stand straight again, the priest held out a cushion with the coronation artifacts on them. Loki reached for them, but Thor heard the priest whisper something to him.

"Your majesty. The gloves." Loki hesitated for a moment, but began to slowly pull his gloves off. Thor noticed that his hands were shaking the entire time he did so. He gripped the gold pieces, turning to face the crowd. "May I present, his majesty, King Loki." Loki immediately turned around and put the gold back on the cushion as soon as the priest finished speaking, quickly putting his gloves back on. He seemed relieved, and forced a smile to the crowd. Thor cocked an eyebrow at his brother's actions. What were those gloves really for?

Second part, yayyyyy

-Grace ♥️

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